Berronar Truesilver
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Berronar Truesilver: The Revered Mother, Mother of Safety
(Intermediate Dwarven Deity)
Symbol: Two silver rings
Home Plane: Dwarfhome
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Safety, honesty, home, healing, the dwarven family, records,
marriage, faithfulness, loyalty, oaths
Worshipers: Children, dwarven
defenders, dwarves, fighters, homemakers, husbands, parents, scribes,
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Dwarf, Family, Good,
Healing, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: "Wrath of Righteousness" (heavy
erronar Truesilver (bair-oh-nahr troo-sill-vur) is matriarch of the
dwarven pantheon. As Moradin's bride, Berronar sees it as her duty to
act as an authority figure for the dwarven gods, using her keen
negotiation skills and calm demeanor as a balm to keep the sometimes
fractious pantheon unified. According to dwarven traditionalists, if not
for this quality, the Morndinsamman (and perhaps the entire dwarven
race) might never have survived the stresses of its long, gradual
decline. With the coming of the Thunder Blessing within the last
century, it appears as though that decline has been reversed; the
Revered Mother now aids Moradin in charting the destiny of the dwarven
people by giving wise council to Faerun's most trusted orthodox dwarven
Despite the recent renaissance, however, a growing number of
disconsolate dwarves resent Berronar and her husband for a philosophy
they define as hidebound obduracy. Berronar's clerics, known as faenor
("those of the home") are the guardians and protectors of dwarven clans.
They maintain records of lore, traditions, and family histories. They
strive to further the good health and good character of all dwarves by
acting as teachers and healers. As the moral compass of the dwarves,
they can be very conservative, not tolerating foolhardiness among young
dwarves or controversial or radical ideas. The number of twins from the
Thunder Blessing has certainly taxed their patience.
The church itself
is very structured, with every cleric knowing his or her place, and each
clan's church uses an identical setup, so members visiting from other
clans know exactly where they fit in. In a sense, her church is like a
house run by a strict but loving mother. The faenor pray for spells at
dawn. Among the many mundane secular services they provide to dwarven
communities, they have a reputation for planning and officiating
weddings that makes them sought out by even nondwarves wishing for a
perfect bonding ceremony. Annual offerings of silver are made to
Berronar, usually accompanied by a small white flower as a token of
appreciation for the motherly love Berronar feels toward all dwarves.
Midwinter Day and Midsummer Night hold religious significance to the
faenor. In the former case, the day brings fantastic celebrations below
ground. The latter sees a similar fete take place above ground, when
travelers or members of neighboring communities (rarely including
nondwarves) are invited to join in the festivities. Faenor rarely
multiclass, but those who do typically become dwarven defenders or
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Berronar has little time for alliances outside
the dwarven pantheon, but is on friendly terms with the lead goddesses
of the elves, gnomes, and halflings. She works hand-in-hand with
Sharindlar in their shared responsibility of inspiring acts of love
among the dwarves, with Sharindlar typically overseeing the courtship
and the Mother of Safety ensuring a healthy, loving relationship
following marriage. She herself is an ideal wife to Moradin, making her
one of the Dwarffather's few completely trusted confidantes. She enjoys
the company of Clangeddin and Gorm Gulthyn but is somewhat cool toward
Marthammor, Dugmaren, and Haela, whom she believes have yet to set into
the roles dictated to them by propriety. She has no time for the
scheming Abbathor, and advocates that her husband drum him from the
pantheon as he has Laduguer and Deep Duerra. Her hatred of the orc,
goblinoid, and giant deities rivals that of her husband.
DOGMA: The children of Moradin are shaped on the Soul Forge and ever
warmed by the embrace of the Revered Mother. Tend the hearth and home,
drawing strength and safety from truth, tradition, and the rule of law.
Join with friends, kin, and clan in common purpose. Do no succumb to the
misery of greed or the evils of strife, but always bring hope, health,
and cheer to those in need. Once an oath is made, Berronar watches over
its keeping-- to break it is to grieve her sorely. Children must be
cherished and guarded well from harm, for they are the future of all
dwarvenkind. |