of Faerun
Dwarves ruled vast kingdoms beneath hill and mountains long before
humans wandered into Faerun. Many sages suspect that the first dwarves came to Faerun millennia ago in a great
migration from another plane. However it occurred so long ago that
evidence of it is almost nonexistent and meanwhile the dwarves are now
as natural a part if Faerun as the mountains themselves. The two main
dwarven subraces are the shield dwarves of northern Faerun and the gold
dwarves of the far south. The gray dwarves, or duergar, are an Underdark
race less common than their surface kindred. The gray dwarves are
generally evil, although a few exiles defy this rule.
Shield Dwarves
Gold Dwarves
Faerun is home to six major subraces of elves, which some sages
believe were brought to this plane long ago by their gods. The moon
elves, sun elves and wood elves are joined in loose allegiance to the
traditions and authority represented by the Elven Court, now located on
the island of Evermeet, and in the person of Queen Amlaruil. Most drow
elves treat other elves as dispised enemies, and the wild elves usually
ignore the decrees of the civilized elves of Evermeet. The sea elves are
an aquatic people who rarely interact with their surface kindred. The
racial name for elves is Tel-quessir ("the people"), with each subrace
having a variant describing its particular kind of elf.
Moon Elves
Sun Elves
Wood Elves
The human scholars of Candlekeep refer to the gnomes as the Forgotten Folk, for
their willful evasion of the great wars and tragedies that color the
history of Faerun's other races. While the gnomes have been slaves of
powerful nations such as Netheril and Calminshan in the past, they have
never been conquerors. For the most part, they have lived in
out-of-the-way forests and hills, untroubled by the conflicts that
occupy human, elven and dwarven attention.
Rock Gnomes
Deep Gnomes
Half Elves
Half Elves
Three major subraces of Halfling dwell in Faerun: the lightfoot
halflings, the rare ghostwise halflings, and the strongheart halfling of
Luiren in the south. Like the rock gnomes, many halflings live among the
Big Folk in the human lands. They are resourceful and quick, perfectly
at home among the sprawling human lands or living apart in their own
settled communities.
Lightfoot Halflings
Strongheart Halflings
Half Orcs
Half Orcs
Special Races
You will need to apply for these races by sending an application to the
DM team. More information in link.
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