Cleric Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN
Dumathoin Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain, the Silent Keeper
Intermediate Dwarven Deity
Symbol: Faceted gem inside a mountain
Home Plane: Dwarfhome
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Buried wealth, ores, gems, mining,
exploration, shield dwarves, guardian of the dead
Worshipers: Dwarves, gemsmiths, metal-smiths, miners
Cleric Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN
Domains: Cavern, Craft, Dwarf, Earth, Knowledge, Metal, Protection
Favored Weapon: "Magmahammer" [mattock] (maul)
n the Quiet Years (so called because the pounding of dwarven picks
in the mines and hammers on the forgestone had yet to break the still
silence of the earth) Dumathoin (doo-muh-thoe-in) prepared the mountains
for the coming of the shield dwarves. Named as their patron by Moradin
himself, the mute deity set veins of precious metals where they might
one day be intercepted and invented countless colors for countless gems
to beautify his chosen earthly realm. When first his charges came they
carved into his creation, marring its inherent beauty and sending
Dumathoin into a fretful state of wrath. In time, however, he saw how
the dwarves forged his metal into artful weapons and crafts, and how
they cut and set his gems into works of great refinement. These crafts
pacified Dumathoin and filled him with pride.
Now, the Keeper of Secrets
under the Mountain ensures the safety of miners, bends precious mineral
veins toward shield dwarf habitations, and safeguards the sanctity of
his beautiful realm. Not everyone respects the inherent beauty of Dumathoin's creations, however, seeing them instead as bounty to be
drawn from the mountains in the most expedient manner possible,
regardless of the destruction caused by such wanton pillage. These
rapacious profiteers have much to fear from the talhund ("hidden gift")
Dumathoin's vigilant clergy. In addition to protecting dwarven mines,
the talhund seek out new mineral and gem deposits, supervise mining
activities to ensure the proper respect is paid to the mountain, and
develop strategies to defeat the strange Underdark creatures sometimes
accidentally exhumed during excavations.
Dumathoin's clergy builds
underground temples in the deepest caverns, always near an impressive
vein of precious metal or a bed of natural gems. Such bounty remains a
part of the temple and free from harvest as a testament to the local
clan leader's reverence for the Silent Keeper. Talhund pray for spells
in the morning. They refer to the nights of the new moon as the
Deepstone Triad, claiming that at this time the moon becomes a great gem
hidden in the fastness of the earth. On such nights, talhund and lay
followers of Dumathoin sacrifice gems and jewelry upon large stone
blocks. Specially tasked talhund pulverize these offerings while the
congregation gives thanks to the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain.
Dumathoin also serves as the dwarves' deity of the dead, and hence
talhund are tasked with disposing of corpses and seeing that their souls
pass successfully to the afterworld. Talhund rarely multiclass. They
turn rather than rebuke undead.
History/Relationships: Dumathoin favors the company of other gods
interested in elemental earth or smithing. As a mute (none know if his
silence is by nature or by preference), Dumathoin remains somewhat
distant from the Morndinsamman, which has the side-effect of placing him
above their internal conflicts. He enjoys an obscure, nonhostile
relationship with the illithid god Ilsensine, though the followers of
both gods often clash.
Dogma: Walk the deep and silent ways of Dumathoin. Seek out the
hidden gifts of the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain. That which is
hidden is precious, and that which is precious shall stay hidden. Seek
to enhance the natural beauty of Dumathoin's gifts and go with, not
against, the contours of the deeps. Beauty is the discovery and the
crafting, not the holding. Keep the places of our dead inviolate and
well tended; the noble ancestors of our race will neither be robbed nor
moved through the actions of thieves and defilers. Abide not undead
creatures, especially those that take the form of dwarves, thus mocking
the creation of Moradin. |