Haela Brightaxe
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Haela Brightaxe Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden
Dwarven Demigod
Symbol: Unsheathed sword wrapped in two spirals of flame
Home Plane: Dwarfhome
Alignment: Chaotic good Portfolio: Luck in battle, joy of
battle, dwarven fighters
Worshipers: Barbarians, dwarves, fighters
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Luck, War
Favored Weapon: "Flamebolt" (greatsword)
henever dwarves stand hip-deep in the corpses of monstrous enemies,
their hearts singing in joy with the thrumming thrill of battle, Haela
Brightaxe (hay-la. brite-axe) shouts a triumphant huzzah of support. Her
spirit is one with good-aligned dwarves who revel in battle, who seek
out powerful monsters in an effort to purge the vile creatures from
Toril. When one asks a Haelan cleric why she attacked an ancient dragon,
she'll respond, "because it was there," adding with a devious smile "and
because I have always wanted to cut my way out of something's stomach."
As a luck goddess, she takes great risks in battle without batting an
eye. Haela's clergy are the kaxanar, a term loosely translated as "bloodmaidens."
Female clerics vastly outnumber their male counterparts, who seem little
bothered by their feminine title (it's difficult to make an emasculating
joke about an angry warrior-cleric covered in a gallon of fresh blood).
Clerics care little for typical dwarven tradition, constructing austere
temples wherever seems most convenient to the nearest source of
conflict. The cellars of human ruins, abandoned dwarf holds, or even
empty gnome warrens make acceptable temples of the Lady of the Fray.
Such places usually double as armories; all contain at least one
bombastic trap (usually featuring the most violent results imaginable)
meant to ensure that no temple ever falls into enemy hands.
Kaxanar pray
for spells in the morning, a ritual accompanied by the tracing of
elaborate ritual scarring carved into the cleric's forearms upon
initiation into the order. Most scars follow accepted geometric
patterns, but a few iconoclasts (among an entire clergy of "free
thinkers") take their initiation as an opportunity to carve profanity or
lewd sayings into their flesh. Greengrass sees the somewhat depressing
ritual known as the Time of Spawning, when (through chants and the
shattering of captured enemy weapons) the kaxanar prepare for the next
onslaught of monsters from occupied dwarven holds. On a high holy day
known as Axe Held High, kaxanar and those allied with them gather under
the light of day, claiming to see an image of Haela's greatsword
outlined at the center of the sun. Lastly, the Feast of the Moon sees
the Commemoration of the Fallen, when the kaxanar remember those dwarves
and nondwarves who fell in defense of the Stout Folk. Kaxanar frequently
multiclass as barbarians, savoring the joyous destruction engendered by
the rage ability of that class.
History/Relationships: Other members of the Morndinsamman respect
Haela's convivial manner, her infectious laughter, and her cheerful
nature. She recognizes no superior except Moradin, but honors her
brothers and sisters in the Dwarffather's brood by ensuring that she
never acts against the wishes of any fully accepted member of the
pantheon. Of all the pantheon, she prefers the company of Marthammor
Duin, who shares her interest in the surface world, and Clangeddin
Silverbeard, who shares her love for battle. As Haela concerns herself
so closely with dwarven affairs on Toril, she has little time for
nondwarven gods. She has spurned the interest of Abbathor (who is always
interested in luck) and in response the Trove Lord has been sending
greater and more terrible threats her way.
Dogma: Through battle, you find validation, liberation, and
exultation. Trust in Haela to see you through the fray, and the monsters
of the world shall fall to the sharp blades of your axes, regardless of
their apparent strength and numbers The Luckmaiden blesses those dwarves
who believe in her beneficence, and she, through her faithful, will
always be there for the beleaguered and besieged. Rejoice in the power
of your swing in battle, the sound of your weapon smiting a worthy foe,
and the challenge of the fray. If asked, show mercy on a noble foe who
abides by a code of honor, but hold not your hand against the
treacherous, the liars, and the honorless. |