Marthammor Duin
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Marthammor Duin Finder - of - Trails, Watcher over Wanderers, the
Watchful Eye
Lesser Dwarven Deity
Symbol: Upright mace in front of a fur-trimmed leather boot
Plane: Dwarfhome Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Guides, explorers,
expatriates, travelers, lightning
Worshipers: Dwarves, fighters,
rangers, travelers
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Dwarf, Good,
Protection, Travel
Favored Weapon: "Glowhammer" (heavy mace)
he most conservative dwarves pledge that the Stout Folk belong
underground, and that those who travel the Realm Above (known
collectively among dwarven culture as Wanderers) have at worst betrayed
ancient ideals and at best are somewhat disturbed fools. If the latter
is the case, the young dwarven deity Marthammor Duin (Mar-tham-more
doo-ihn) is the grand king of fools. The patron of those dwarves who
have left the clanholds to explore the world under the sun, Marthammor
approaches life with an almost gnome-like demeanor, always curious to
see what's beyond the horizon and always willing to trade stories of
travels past beside a crackling campfire. His is the rare spirit of
dwarven exploration embodied in divine form, the spark of curiosity his
followers equate with a quick burst of lightning from the open skies.
Marthammor's clergy, the volamtar ("blazers of fresh trails") represent
one of the most widely recognized dwarven churches of the surface world,
especially in the North, where their worshipers have grown abundant in
recent decades. Volamtar mark wilderness trails near dwarven
strongholds, that the path of those who decide to leave the clanholds is
made that much easier. They patrol the trade routes and game trails
between human and dwarven enclaves, healing the injured and clearing
such areas of dangerous predators. In urban areas, they establish
temples with the aim of strengthening dwarven populations through
healing services, religious ceremonies, and exchange of information.
Less adventuresome volamtar sometimes attempt to influence the
government of nondwarven cities that feature dwarven residents, usually
by attempting to infiltrate minor political positions.
temples take advantage of natural tors or cliffs, which offer
spectacular views of the thunderstorms held sacred by Marthammor's
followers. Urban temples usually conform to local architectural style.
Volamtar pray for spells in the morning. The clergy celebrates numerous
holidays throughout the year including each festival day and the nine
following days. Years featuring Shieldmeet see much celebration on the
festival day and the nine immediately thereafter. Such celebrations are
open to the public (even nondwarves) and generally feature the
ritualized burning of used ironwork and footwear. Loud singing and the
imbibing of strong spirits plays an important (some would say necessary)
role at all such events. Volamtar frequently multiclass as divine
champions and fighters. Those who dwell in wilderness regions often gain
levels in the ranger class.
History/Relationships: Other members of the dwarven pantheon refer to
Marthammor's behavior as "antics," hoping that his fixation with the
world under the open skies soon will pass. Moradin gives thanks that,
despite his youngest son's proclivities, he's nonetheless more
disciplined than Dugmaren (who, unsurprisingly, is one of Marthammor's
greatest friends). The Watcher over Wanderers hates the gods of orcs,
goblins, and giants, and holds a special enmity for Grolantor, the
willfully stupid patron of hill giants.
Dogma: Eschew the illusory safety of the clanhold and instead travel
widely to spread the words of the Morndinsamman to those of other races,
that they might gain the product of dwarven wisdom. Help fellow
wanderers and sojourners to the best of your ability, for the road is
easier endured amid the tread of companionship. Seek out new ways and
paths, and discover the wise world in your wanderings. Herald the way of
newfound hope. |