Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Sharindlar Lady of Life and Mercy, the Shining Dancer
Intermediate Dwarven Deity
Symbol: Flame ring rising from a steel needle
Home Plane: Dwarfhome
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Healing, mercy, romantic love,
fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon
Worshipers: Bards, dancers,
dwarves, healers, lovers
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos,
Charm, Dwarf, Good, Healing, Moon
Favored Weapon: "Fleetbite" (whip)
hen a dwarf falls sick or is struck down in combat, he often utters
prayers to Sharindlar (sha-rihn-dlar), the dwarven deity of healing and
mercy. Dwarves make no secret of their veneration of this benevolent
goddess who protects the dwarven people through the kindness and the
restorative touches of her clergy. What most dwarves are loath to admit
to their taller companions, however, is that Sharindlar represents a
side of dwarven life rarely observed by outsiders. When dwarves abandon
their taciturn moods for an evening of dance, or when a hardened warrior
softens to accept the vows of marriage to his childhood love, Sharindlar
is invoked as a deity of gaiety, romance, and dance.
Clerics of the
Shining Dancer are known as thalornor ("those who are merciful"). They
spend most of their time ministering to the needs of the sick or frail
in dwarven communities, providing words of encouragement with a gentle
bedside manner. When not engaged at the bedside, clerics of Sharindlar
work to instruct youth on proper dwarven courting rituals, even going so
far as to play matchmaker between two "compatible" youths. Of late
Sharindlar's command of fertility has expanded the thalornors' influence
over animal husbandry and developing new strains of crops. Concerned as
they are with births, both from a medical and metaphorical perspective,
most thalornor treat the Thunder Blessing with even more reverence than
their brethren, often bending over backward to encourage thunder twins
to join the clergy. Temples most often are large halls with ample space
provided for dancing and celebration and plenty of intimate guest rooms
for visiting revelers.
Clerics of Sharindlar pray for spells in the
morning. Holy ceremonies, most often practiced when the moon begins to
wax, at Greengrass, Midsummer Night, and whenever the moon is full,
commonly involve secret congregations in hidden caverns. At such
gatherings, supplicants dance around a natural pool, chanting to the
Lady of Mercy while casting items of gold into a sanctified cauldron.
Participants draw a small amount of blood from their forearms, allowing
it to seep into the cauldron, the contents of which are heated until
molten and cast into the central pool. Thalornor frequently multiclass
as bards.
History/Relationships: Over the millennia, Sharindlar has worked to
establish good relations with her entire pantheon, including strained
friendships with even Laduguer, Deep Duerra, and Abbathor. On many
occasions, the Lady of Life and Mercy acts as intermediary between
Moradin and those he has cast away when some calamity forces usually
opposed dwarves to act in consort. In general, however, Sharindlar finds
politics stuffy and boring, and prefers to speculate on the romantic
futures of both mortals and the divine. She shares great kinship with
Shiallia, whom many believe to be her daughter through a dalliance with
a fey god.
Dogma: Be merciful in speech and deed. Temper anger and hostility
with constructive and charitable endeavor. The children of Moradin must
live in safety to propagate. Embrace the gift of life with ebullience
and grace. Maintain and encourage the traditional rites of courtship and
marriage. Sharindlar restores the fertile seed of dwarven life, while
Berronar protects the fruit. |