Thard Harr
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Thard Harr Lord of the Jungle Deeps
Lesser Dwarven Deity
Symbol: Two crossed scaly clawed gauntlets of silvery-blue metal
Plane: Dwarfhome Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Wild dwarves, jungle
survival, hunting
Worshipers: Druids, inhabitants of jungles, rangers,
wild dwarves
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Animal, Chaos,
Dwarf, Good, Plant
Favored Weapon: Clawed gauntlet (spiked gauntlet)
hen faced with the
tattooed, pot-bellied Thard Harr (thard harr)-an obscure, feral creature
wearing an ornate copper helm fashioned in the shape of a crocodile's
head-few would suspect they look upon a member of the Morndinsamman.
Though distanced from his kin both emotionally and geographically, Thard
Harr nonetheless shares the blood of Moradin. Patron of the wild dwarves
who inhabit the jungles of Faerun (notably Chult), Thard Harr protects
his charges from the marauding of wild beasts, the rampages of hungry
dinosaurs, and the unwanted incursions of outlanders. Thard's clerics
and druids, known as vuddor ("those of the jungle") enjoy a position of
reverence in their sheltered homeland. The worship of Thard Harr is so
deeply ingrained in wild dwarf society that few even consider the
possibility of other religions. Though some gold dwarves of the south
(especially those dwelling near the ruins of High Shanatar) remember
ancestors' tales of Thard as a lost dwarven nature deity, most wild
dwarves remain completely ignorant of the rest of the Morndinsamman, a
failing Thard does nothing to ameliorate.
Vuddor lead their charges on
prosperous hunts, act as generals for the loosely organized armies of
the wild dwarves, and speak for the society as a whole. Thard sponsors
no formal temples, instead instructing his followers to treat locations
of great natural beauty (such as volcanic flats, natural gardens, or
waterfalls) as his halls of worship. Vuddar pray for spells in the
morning. On the nights of full or new moons, the highest-ranking cleric
of Thard Harr in the region formally calls together numerous hunting
bands, and the resulting chanting, drumming, and screams are enough to
frighten off even the most desperate interloper. At such gatherings, the
dwarves offer up blood sacrifices of captured dinosaurs or intruders
(some of the more isolated tribes occasionally sacrifice unfortunate
good humans in this manner, and while Thard disapproves of this he has
done nothing to communicate disfavor to his charges). Such sacrifices
are nearly always consumed by the participants in an effort to achieve
closeness with their godly benefactor. Vuddar sometimes multiclass as
History/Relationships: Aside from infrequent visits by Sharindlar and
Dumathoin, Thard Harr shares almost no relationship with the children of
Moradin. On such rare occasions as the entire pantheon is drawn
together, Thard Harr alienates more than he befriends, not least because
he refuses to speak, instead communicating through a bizarre series of
animal calls and physical gestures. He vastly prefers the company of
other nature-minded deities such as Ubtao, Nobanion, and Uthgar. Thard
is a sworn enemy of Shar, who acts in Chult under the name of Eshowdow
(a shadow deity she absorbed), and a dozen other jungle deities and
demons seldom noticed by the civilized inhabitant of Faerun.
Dogma: Like the great tigers of the jungle, be strong and wary of
beasts, whether they walk on two legs or four. Live in harmony with
nature and gain the protection of the Lord of the Jungle Deeps. Seek to
understand what you do not, but be wary of bringing unknown gifts into
your lair. Honor the ways of your people, but assume not that Thard's
way is the only way-just the best way for his children. |