Labelas Enoreth
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Labelas Enoreth The Lifegiver, Lord of the Continuum, the Sage at
Intermediate Elven Deity
Symbol: Setting sun Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history
Bards, divine disciples, elves, loremasters, scholars, teachers
Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Time
Favored Weapon: "The Timestave" (quarterstaff)
abelas Enoreth (lah-bay-lahs
ehn-or-eth) is a philosopher-deity, a patient teacher and instructor.
His demeanor is calm and meditative , and he is not given to sudden
action or hasty speech. According to legend, he traded an eye for the
ability to peer through time Labelas concerns himself with
transgenerational changes and the growth of learning and wisdom among
elves, and thus rarely involves himself directly in the lives of
The church of Labelas is small, but high!} organized, for
records of its traditional practices and beliefs date back millennia.
Clerics of Labelas are the keepers of elven history and lore, and they
are charged with searching for hidden facts of the past. They compile
and protect such sacred knowledge and record it for the instruction of
future generations. Members of Labelas' clergy are also philosophers and
teachers, responsible for educating the young and promoting and
acquiring knowledge.
The faithful of Labelas do not celebrate individual
days, for the passage of time is uniform, independent of the events that
unfold in each regular interval. Instead, the Lifegiver's followers
gather each day in small groves near his temples as the sun sets to mark
the passage of another day, a daily ritual known as the Marking of Time.
They utter prayers to Labelas, including prayers for their daily spells,
and recite all that they have learned in the past day to be recorded by
the lorekeepers of Arvandor who serve the Lifegiver. Many clerics
multiclass as bards, divine disciples, or loremasters.
History/Relationships: Labelas maintains close relationships with
most of the Seldarine, although Erevan Ilesere sorely tests patience.
Labelas has long had a close relationship with Mystra all her
incarnations. Other allies include Deneir, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee,
Milil, Oghma, and Savras. Clangeddin Silverbeard still nurses a grudge
against Labelas stemming back to a battle on the isle of Ruathym during
the Time of Troubles. Labelas opposes the deities of entropy and death,
particularly Yeenoghu (the gnoll demon), Velsharoon, and the evil drow
Dogma: The march of time is inexorable, but blessings of the Lifegiver enable the children of Corellon to live long and fruitful
lives, unmarked by the passage of years. Record and preserve the lessons
of history, and draw lessons from that which has unfolded. In the end,
the sun always sets ere the next day dawns anew. |