Solonor Thelandira
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Solonor Thelandira Keen-Eye, the Great Archer
Intermediate Elven
Symbol: Silver arrow with green fletching
Home Plane: Arvandor
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Archery, hunting, wilderness survival
Worshipers: Arcane archers, archers, druids, elves, rangers
Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, War
Weapon: "Longshot" (longbow)
olonor Thelandira (soe-loe-nohr
theh-lan-dih-ruh) is always in pursuit of quarry, and he rarely remains
in one location for very long. Unlike many hunters, the Great Archer
talks prey only out of concern for the overall balance between the
species and to destroy evil-doers, particularly the drow. His serious,
sometimes grim, demeanor reflects the difficulty he faces in forging a
workable compromise between the competing forces of civilization and
wilderness, instinct and knowledge, and savagery and domesticity.
Solonor's word is his bond, and his pledge is never given lightly.
Solonor does not close to do battle with an enemy, but tracks and
pursues instead, firing arrows from a never- empty quiver.
The church of Solonor is a disparate one, with little communication among groups of
clerics except to exchange information. Solonor's clerics serve as
scouts and archers in elven armies, as bowyers, fletchers, and archery
instructors in elven settlements, and as hunters and providers for
far-flung rural communities. Among those Fair Folk who largely eschew
the trappings of civilization, members of Solonor's clergy preside over
initiation ceremonies into adulthood. Hawkeyes serve the Great Archer by
working to maintain the balance of nature. Solonor's clerics are deadly
enemies of those who worship Malar or Talos, and they often join forces
with those who serve Rillifane Rallathil in order to exterminate
followers of those evil gods whenever they make their presence known.
Clerics and druids of Solonor pray for their spells whenever the moon is
highest in the sky during the day. Solonor's faithful generally eschew
frivolous celebrations, considering them unnecessary distractions to the
tasks at hand. Once per lunar month, under the soft light of the full
moon, the Great Archer's faithful assemble to give thanks for the skills
Solonor has taught and the bounty thus provided. Hunters sacrifice
hunting trophies that cannot otherwise be employed, and unbroken arrows
engraved with the symbol of Solonor are fired into the sky to poke holes
in the firmament and allow the light of Solonor's teachings to shine
forth on his people (these arrows are never fired in a direction that
would cause them to fall where they might hurt someone, including
straight up). Each Shieldmeet, known to the Fair Folk as the Day of
Corellon's Peace, the followers of Solonor assemble to compete in great
archery meets. The winner of such con tests are said to receive Keen-E,ye's
blessing. Many clerics and druids multiclass as arcane archers or
History/Relationships: Like others of the elven pantheon, Solonor
reports to Corellon and gets on well with the rest of the Seldarine.
Other allies include benevolent nature deities and Silvanus. His
greatest foes are Malar and Talos, followed closely by Lolth.
Dogma: Walk in harmony with nature and oppose the efforts of those
who would disturb her delicate balance. Preserve the wild places from
excessive encroachment, and work with those who would settle the land to
preserve the beauty that first attracted them. Hunt only for sustenance,
culling the old and weak from the herd so that all species may prosper.
Like an arrow in flight, it is difficult to arrest the consequences of
an action. Choose your targets carefully, for ill-considered action can
have long-reaching impact. |