Baravar Cloakshadow
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Baravar Cloakshadow The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise
Lesser Gnome Deity
Symbol: Cloak and dagger
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Neutral good
Portfolio: Illusions, deception, traps, wards
Adventurers, deceivers, gnomes, illusionists, rogues, thieves
Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Gnome, Good, Illusion, Protection,
Favored Weapon: "Nightmare" (dagger)
aravar Cloakshadow (bair-uh-vahr clohk-sha-doh) is a crafty,
vengeful deity who specializes in deceptions. He is unforgiving of any
creature who threatens his charges, and he feels no compunction against
acting against those who have earned his enmity. Although he shares
Garl's love of a good practical joke, Baravar's jests and tricks may
cause no little discomfort to the victims. He is also a thief and enjoys
using illusions to confuse creatures before robbing them. Often, Baravar
steals out of boredom as much as for any other reason. The Sly One sends
celestial agents to harass goblinoids from a distance even before the
gnomes are threatened: "Do unto them before they have a chance to do
unto you" is a philosophy he often acts upon. His level of vigilance and
layers of illusion have led many to believe that he is verging on
paranoia. Much of his time recently has been spent working on a master
illusion spell that would prevent a gnome from ever being detected
unless he or she wanted to.
The church of Baravar is only loosely
organized, for the veil of secrecy that surrounds it also shields its
members to some degree from one another. Baravar's clergy is deeply
involved in experimenting with and refining the art of creating
illusions. A sizable fraction of the clergy are adventurers, charged
with tracking down and acquiring new spells and magic items that allow
the creation and control of effects from the school of illusion. Other
clerics work as researchers, ever-refining their magical craft. Clerics
of Baravar are generally sneaky, smart gnomes, and they serve their
communities as spies and investigative agents and by teaching skills
such as disguise, camouflage, and hiding. Clerics of Baravar pray for
their spells at dusk, as the cover of night begins to conceal their
The clergy of Baravar venerates the Sly One in a monthly
ritual known as the Cloaking. Although these rituals are always observed
on the night of the new moon, the exact location and nature of the
ceremony varies every time. The Cloaking is often held in public places,
and attendees consider it a point of honor that outsiders never detect
such assemblies. This practice has led to a common joke among the
Forgotten Folk that any unexplained gathering of two or more gnomes must
be "another meeting of the Illusory." Baravar's clerics make offerings
to their god by creating illusions of items they saw, heard, or
otherwise sensed. The greater the realism of such deceptions, the more
the deity is pleased. Most clerics multiclass as illusionists, and many
multiclass as rogues.
History/Relationships: Baravar is closely allied with the other
nonevil gods of the gnome pantheon, and, despite his somewhat vengeful
nature, he follows Garl's lead in emphasizing trickery over strength.
Other allies include Azuth, Brandobaris, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Erevan
Ilesere, Mystra, Sehanine Moonbow, Tymora, and Vergadain. Baravar has a
genuine antipathy for deities of many goblinoid races, particularly the
deities of the goblin and kobold pantheons, and, unlike the other gnome
gods, he is none too restrained about expressing this. Baravar and Leira
were once closely allied, and the apparent death of the Lady of Mists at
the hands of Cyric has earned Dark Sun Baravar's eternal enmity. Other
foes include Abbathor, Mask, and of course Urdlen.
Dogma: The world is a dangerous place, and the only sure defense is
to cloak oneself in the shadows under a web of deception. Strive to
master the art of illusion and the game of deceit for therein lies
security. Trust no one that has not proven trustworthy to your
satisfaction. In war, use the crafts of illusion and camouflage to make
sure your side wins. Devote yourself to your art and those you love with
equal fervor, for one must have a reason to live beyond mere survival. |