Gaerdal Ironhand
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Gaerdal Ironhand The Stern, Shield of the Golden Hills
Lesser Gnome
Symbol: Iron Band
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment : Lawful
Portfolio: Vigilance, combat, martial defense
Administrators, fighters, judges, monks, paladins, soldiers, warriors
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, War
Favored Weapon: "Hammersong" (warhammer)
aerdal Ironhand (gair-dahl
eye-urn-hand) is the most dwarflike deity of the gnome pantheon, rarely
smiling and fiercely intense, and the only gnome deity who could be
considered stern. Gaerdal takes his duties as protector of gnome burrows
very seriously, at the cost of sacrificing a playful spirit. The Shield
of the Golden Hills has no use for tricks, jokes, or deceits, and he
remains unsmiling at gnome tales and pranks. The other gnome deities say
he chuckles in private, but this is deeply uncertain. Gaerdal often
assists gnomes in preparation for battle.
The church of Gaerdal is
organized in a strict military hierarchy. Gaerdal's clerics are as close
to being a warrior caste as one could find among gnomes, and their
numbers are fairly small. They are rather moralizing, much less given to
levity than most gnomes, and may often be administrators, judges, and
the like. Their role as protectors is of major importance to both their
religious teachings and the safety of the communities in which they
dwell. Although temples of the Shield of the Golden Hills are rare,
Gaerdal's clerics usually erect small statues of Gaerdal at the major
entrances to gnome settlements to remind other gnomes of their daily
duties. The closest most members of Gaerdal's clergy get to actively
seeking enjoyment is their perennial and self-assumed task of making
life difficult for the followers of Baravar and, to a lesser extent,
Baervan and Garl.
Clerics of Gaerdal pray for their spells at dawn,
marking the beginning of a new day. The followers of Gaerdal refer to
tendays as Tenhammers, a name referring to the marking of the passage of
each day by striking a great hammer against a metal shield, for such is
the typical length of service for guard duty for members of this faith.
The tenth day of every ten Tenhammers is a holy day of the faith, known
to gnomes everywhere as the Great Clang. On such days the cult of
Gaerdal assembles to pay homage to the god through battle hymns and
rhythmic chants. Most clerics multiclass as divine champions or
History/Relationships: Gaerdal has generally good relations with the
rest of the gnome pantheon, with the notable exception of Urdlen, but
his stern nature keeps him somewhat aloof from the mischievous antics of
the other gods of the Forgotten Folk. In particular, he is somewhat
hostile to Baravar, disliking deceitfulness, and to a lesser extent
Baervan, disliking foolish pranks and other jests, and may work to
thwart their plans if he learns of them. In times of danger for the
Forgotten Folk, however, Gaerdal works smoothly and easily with all the
nonevil gnome gods. Among other pantheons, Gaerdal is closest in
temperament with Helm, Torm, Gorm Gulthyn, and Clangeddin Silverbeard.
The Shield of the Golden Hills is ever vigilant against Urdlen's
insidious attacks, and he regularly battles with the gods of the kobold
and goblin pantheons.
Dogma: The best defense is unswerving vigilance. Serve Gaerdal with
absolute dedication and devotion. Defend and protect gnome communities
against all invaders both obvious and hidden. Never cease to hone the
skills of war, and take the opportunity of relative peace to pass such
talents on to gnomes at large. |