Garl Glittergold
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Garl Glittergold The Joker, the Watchful Protector, the Sparkling Wit
Greater Gnome Deity
Symbol: Gold nugget
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Lawful
Portfolio: Protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting, gnomes
Worshipers: Adventurers, bards, defending soldiers, gemcutters, gnomes,
illusionists, jewelers, miners, rogues, smiths
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN,
Domains: Craft, Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, Trickery
Weapon: "Arumdina" (battleaxe)
arl Glittergold (garl gliht-ter-gold) is
a gentle and approachable deity, one who values quick thinking and a
clear head more than almost anything else and who rarely stays in one
location for very long. Though physical prowess and spiritual might are
important, nothing is more crucial than keeping it all in perspective.
Garl watches over cooperation among gnomes at all times. He prefers
trickery, illusion, and wiles to direct physical confrontation, although
if forced to fight he is hardly weak. Garl often steals evil weapons and
magic intended for malefic ends and then disposes of them. He is also a
mischievous trickster, said to have the largest collection of jokes in
the multiverse. The Watchful Protector is ever alert to threats to the
Forgotten Folk and watches directly over their affairs. If such threats
cannot be forestalled, Garl vigorously defends against them as needed
and appropriate. Although his military prowess usually emphasizes
defense, the deity shows himself as a grim and determined warleader when
his people are physically threatened. The church of Garl is quite
prominent in gnome society, although fairly loosely organized for a
lawfully inclined faith. Garl's clerics serve their communities as
artisans, educators, entertainers, mediators, and protectors. Even those
who wander in search of adventure serve this function, for their
exploits are incorporated into the oral tradition of the Forgotten Folk
and related for generations thereafter. In their teaching of the young,
members of the Joker's clergy combine a very earthy practicality with a
streak of humor that keeps their young charges entertained and their
learning all the better for that. Many also work as smiths (particularly
goldsmiths), miners, and gem cutters, and they are expected to
contribute to the best of their ability, regardless of their seniority.
The clergy maintains a careful vigilance toward hostile races,
especially kobolds, and watches over the collective strength of the
Forgotten Folk. Finally, the clergy must maintain a good archive of
jokes, jests, and tales. Clerics of Garl pray for their spells early in
the morning, shortly after the sun rises. The Communion of Laughter is
celebrated on the 13th of each month through a variety of activities
that last the entire day. Although the ordering varies from temple to
temple and there are many variations thereof, the Joker's rituals
include a period of prayer and quiet contemplation, dancing atop the
central dais, the sharing of communal meals, storytelling to the
accompaniment of visual displays of magic, and joke-telling contests
that last late into the night. Individuals offer a bit of gold (or other
precious metals, if gold is not available) to the deity, even if it is
just a handful of gold dust, and the money so collected is used by the
temple in its entirety to the collective benefit of the community. Many
clerics multiclass as rogues or illusionists.
History/Relationships: Garl is on excellent terms with the rest of
the gnome pantheon, with the notable exception of Urdlen. Garl's boon
companion is Arumdina the Justifier, a great intelligent two-headed
battle-axe, commonly referred to as female, who serves him as both
weapon and friend. The Joker is often found in the company of other
deities of other pantheons of similar perspective. The various deities
worshiped by humanoids and creatures of the Underdark are often the
target of Garl's jests, and he usually leaves them helpless and humbled,
a victim of self-inflicted folly. As a result, despite his
ever-optimistic hope that they might learn a lesson about overweening
pride and pomposity, the Joker has garnered many enemies from among
their ranks, particularly among the kobold pantheon. Notable among the
Joker's exploits is the story of how he pretended to be caught by
Kurtulmak (the chief kobold deity) before escaping as he collapsed the
kobold deity's cavern upon the scaly rat's head.
Dogma: While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a
sense of humor and always welcome opportunities for laughter and
delight. Communities are forged through the cooperation and communal
spirit of a group of individuals who work and play together. The
strength of a community is the cooperation that binds individuals into
more than the sum of their contributions. A great prank can lighten hard
times and make good ones shine. Never take yourself too seriously, lest
you lose touch with those you protect and care for. Do not fear change
or the unorthodox - therein lies the future. Above all, do what works. |