Segojan Earthcaller
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Segojan Earthcaller Earthfriend, Lord of the Burrow
Gnome Deity
Symbol: Glowing gemstone
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Neutral good
Portfolio: Earth, nature, the dead
Worshipers: Druids,
elemental archons (earth), fighters, gnomes, illusionists, merchants,
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Gnome, Good
Favored Weapon: "Earthcaller" [crystalline rod] (heavy mace)
Earthcaller (seh-goe-jann urth-cahl-ur) is an earthy and pragmatic deity
who always communicates in a direct and straightforward fashion.
Although he attempts to defuse and avoid conflicts if possible, the
Earthfriend is a fierce opponent if he or his followers are attacked,
particularly when he or his followers are threatened in their den. The
Lord of the Burrow only intercedes directly when gnomes who dwell within
the earth are threatened, usually in situations when interactions
between rock gnomes, deep gnomes, and other races who inhabit the
Underdarkare brought into conjunction. Segojan is seen as the patron of
rock gnomes.
The church of Segojan is very prominent in rock gnome
communities and acts in a quite organized fashion working closely with
the clergies of other gnome gods In conjunction with the clergy of
Baervan Wildwanderer, they work to preserve and protect the natural
world, particularly the diverse ecology found beneath the surface. In
conjunction with the clergy of Flandal Steelskin, Segojan's faithful
supervise mining operations and oversee the safety and protection of
gnome miners. In conjunction with the followers of Callarduran
Smoothhands, they work to forge ties between gnomes who dwell on or
directly beneath the surface and the deep gnomes of the Underdark.
Segojan's clerics go further than others in actively seeking to watch
over boundaries with the territory of Underdark races and tunnels deeper
underground than gnomes usually explore. Rock gnome clerics, who form
the core of Segojan's clergy, often serve as emissaries on behalf of
surface communities of gnomes to their deep kinfolk, and many seek to
establish and maintain trading routes between the two subraces. In
accordance with their deity's supervision of the dead, whose mortal
forms are interred in his domain, clerics of Segojan preside over most
funeral rituals for the Forgotten Folk in addition to their other
Clerics and druids of Segojan pray for their spells at dawn in
preparation for the day to come. Segojan is venerated at quarterly holy
days that mark the first day of each new season. His faithful gather in
plainly adorned earthen dens and offer forth gemstones, both worked and
unworked, in honor of the treasures of the earth that the Lord of
Burrows provides. Such treasures are then placed in small holes dug
previously by badgers before covering them with dirt. Segojan is said to
employ small burrowing animals to move the jewels elsewhere for gnomes
to discover anew. Despite great amounts of excavation, none of the
buried offerings have ever been found again in the immediate vicinity of
where they were placed. Many clerics and druids multiclass' as elemental
archons (see Chapter 4), fighters, or illusionists.
History/Relationships: With the notable exception of Urdlen, Segojan
is closely allied with the rest of the gnome pantheon, for his areas of
control overlap with them. He once held other portfolios but has passed
them on to the rest of the gnome deities over time as they gained
experience. Among other gods, Segojan is most closely allied with other
gods of nature and the earth, and, to a lesser extent, death. He is an
ardent foe of the kobold gods, and often battles the various other
humanoid deities as well. Other enemies include Abbathor and Cyric. The
ancient enmity between Urdlen and the gnome pantheon unfolds in large
part in the endless battles between Earthfriend and the Crawler Below,
for, of all the gnome gods, Segojan's area of concern is most directly
threatened by Urdlen's campaign of bloody terror and destruction. Much
more than the other members of the gnome pantheon, Segojan and Urdlen
are engaged in an ongoing and brutal war of attrition.
Dogma: The earth is the heart and soul of the Forgotten Folk. From
its nurturing embrace spring forth the children of Garl, on its surface
and amid its tunnels and caves they dwell in life, and beneath its
silent shroud they rest in death. Preserve and protect the natural world
that lies beneath the roots of those who dwell on the surface. Dig
burrows, tunnel, and explore, for the Badger welcomes all gnomes into
his domain. Ware the evil that ensnares those blinded by the avarice and
destructive impulses of the Crawler Below, and the Lord of the Burrow
shall protect those who dwell in his demesne and live in harmony with
his teachings. |