Cleric Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN
Brandobaris: Master of Stealth, the Irrepressible Scamp
Halfling Deity)
Symbol: Halfling'f footprint
Home Plane: Green Fields
Neutral Portfolio: Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues
Worshipers: Adventurers, bards, halflings, risk takers, rogues
Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN
Domains: Halfling, Luck, Travel, Trickery
Favored Weapon: "Escape" (dagger)
randobaris (bran-doe-bair-iss) is the tall races' misapprehensions
of the entire halfling race given divine form. A constantly scheming,
meddling, curious, short-attention-spanned rapscallion as interested in
the contents of a man's purse as he is in the contents of his character,
Brandobaris nonetheless makes few enemies, as his wit, charm, good
looks, and ability to work on the fly get him out of trouble in the few
adventures that do go wrong. A rumored romantic dalliance with Tymora
may be responsible for Brandobaris's legendary luck, which plays a
central role in the countless tales of daring-do traded from halfling to
halfling like currency at waystations across Faerun. Such tales tell of
Brandobaris tricking dragons, escaping from the clutches of devilish
hordes with bags full of treasure, and even sneaking into Myrkul's Bone
Citadel to rescue the souls of ten thousand slain innocents, leaving in
return a vase of flowers and a box of erotically shaped chocolate
candies. Predictably, lightfoot halflings adore him.
The church of
Misadventure, as Brandobaris's "organized" religion is known, teems with
adventuresome troublemakers who usually emerge from some dangerous
endeavor better off than when they entered it. Though most halflings
(particularly children) love stories of their exploits, most prefer that
such events occur as far away from their communities as possible. Many
strongheart communities discourage his worship, and the reclusive
ghostwise view Brandobaris and his cult as a perversion of the civilized
world. Hands of Misadventure, as clerics of Brandobaris are known,
engage in difficult, dangerous pursuits such as adventuring, always
valuing the story of a given success far more than the physical treasure
such a success might bring with it. Though Hands frequently engage in
confidence schemes or larceny, they do so for the thrill, with monetary
rewards simply garnishing the pleasure that comes from mastering one's
(albeit occasionally illegal) craft. The Church of Misadventure has no
temples-- in essence, whenever a story is told of Brandobaris's courage,
services are in session.
Hands of Misadventure pick one time of day or
night to consistently pray for spells (those who prefer public displays
of bravado usually choose to pray during the day, with the sneakier,
more subtle Hands electing to pray under the light of the moon). The
Hands have few formal ceremonies, but on the night of a new moon,
followers are expected to hide on or more stolen items from the previous
month's take in the best hiding place they can find, a ritual known as Brandobaris's Tithe. As might be expected, multiclassing as rogues is
enormously popular among the clergy, and auspicians are not uncommon.
They turn rather than rebuke undead.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Brandobaris gets on well with most of his
pantheon. He especially enjoys the attention of ministrations of his
paramour, Tymora, though the terms of their relationship are prehaps
best described as casual. His sense of fun and obsession with putting
himself in danger earns him respect and companionship from the likes of
Garl Glittergold, Baervan Wildwanderer, Erevan Ilesere, and Vergadain.
He respects Mask as a fellow miscreant of unsurpassed skill, but the
Shadowloard's cruel streak keeps them from true friendship.
Brandobaris's exploits have earned him the enmity of Beshaba and Urdlen.
He has no love for Abbathor, who he views as in it only for the money.
For his part, Abbathor thinks Brandobaris a base cad worthy of little
DOGMA: Seek excitement and danger wherever your feet take you, for
risk-taking leads to life's greatest rewards. Lust for the thrill, not
for the treasure, for greed obscures the true prize of the experience.
At the end of the day, the halfling with the wildest tale is the most
honored in the eyes of the Irrepressible Scamp. |