Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Gargauth The Tenth Lord of Nine, the Lost Lord of the Pit, the Hidden
Faerunian Demigod
Symbol: Broken animal horn
Home Plane: Material
Alignment: Lawful
Evil Portfolio: Betrayal, cruelty, political corruption, powerbrokers
Worshippers: Corrupt leaders and politicians, sorcerers, traitors
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Charm, Evil, Law, Trickery
Favored Weapon: "Corruptor" (dagger or throwing dagger)
argauth embodies the inevitable decay and corruption that
accompanies all self-serving, greedy, and power-hungry leaders and
groups. Gargauth's malevolency and cruelty are made all the worse by the
veneer of vicility and compassion he wears when first encountered.
Gargauth holds to the letter of any agreement, not the spirit, and
relishes betraying anyone with whom he forges a pact by twisting the
contract to serve his own ends. Gargauth is a master strategist, and his
sense of humor moderates his temper. He can be erudite, charming, and
genteel, but his true nature always reveals itself eventually. In truth,
the Lord Who Watches is utterly depraved, the incarnation of evil most
The church of gargauth is a secretive faith, although there are some
significant exceptions. Clerics work to increase their personal power, the power of the church, and by extension, the power of
Gargauth. Clerics are expected to be Gargauth's eyes and ears throughout
Faerun. They are to entice and corrupt powerful individuals and leaders
in communities throughout Faerun and bind them into strict contracts
favorable to Gargauth's goals. They seek to seize positions of power
whenever possible and integrate their positions into the secretive
heirarchy of the faith. Gargauth has directed his followers to undermine
other evil faiths and steal their worshipers rather than waste energy in
conflicts with good deities.
Clerics of Gargauth pray for their spells at dusk, when night first
begins to corrupt the dya. The church of Gargauth celebrates two holy days. The unveiling occurs each Midwinter night. This horrific
ceremony, believed to involve many gruesom sacrifices, heralds the
imminent time when Gargauth seizes Faerun as his unholy kingdom and
transports it to Baator to form the Tenth Pit of Hell. The Binding is
celebrated on the even of the Feast of the Moon. It is a personal ritual
in which each cleric renews his eternal contract with Gargauth, trading
absolute fealty for increased power. This unholy ritual is believed to
involve personal sacrifices of money, magic, and hoarded knowledge and
the casting of many horrific spells. Gargauth's clergy mark all
agreements with signed contracts consecrated in the name of the Lord Who
Watches. Many clerics multiclass as divine disciples or sorcerers.
History/Relationships: Gargauth is former arch-devil whose foul
nature was too much even for others of his ilk. Exiled from the Nine
Hells, Gargauth took to wandering the planes, returning time and again to
Toril. His cult blossomed during the war between the Hapers and the
malaugryms. In addition to the Dark Deities, Gargauth is also opposed to
evil deities such as Cyric and Shar. He poses a particular threat to
Siamorphe, given his interest in corrupting those who she holds up as
shining paragons of virtue.
Dogma: Life is all about accumulation of power. Civilization is a
thin veneer over the base desires that make up the core of every living
being. Those who wish to survive and prosper must recognize this truth
and concentrate all their resources on the pursuit of power. To achieve
power one should use one's charms and honeyed words or a barbed and
bloody dagger as appropriate the situation. It is more important to rule
than to sit on the throne. Keep to the letter any agreement and the
rules established by those more powerful, but be prepared to twist any
contract or stricture so as to maximize the benefit you receive. |