Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
SHARESS, The Dancing Lady, Mother of Cats (Faerunian Demigod)
Symbol: Feminine Lips
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Hedonism, sensual fulfillment, festhalls, cats
Bards, Hedonists, sensualists
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Chaos, Charm, Good, Travel, Trickery, Lust
Favorite Weapon: A great cat's paw
(claw bracer)
haress (shah-ress) is a radiantly beutiful goddess, rivaled only by
Sune. Her voice is said to be a throaty purr and to give the listener
the feeling he or she is being brushed by the softest fur or velvet when
she speaks. She is a fickle, flighty deity, who prevents anyone from
getting too close to her true spirit. She has the willful independence
and pleasure-seeking nature common to felines and is constantly preening
and grooming to maintain her appearance. She is often depicted
(especially in Mulhorand, where she is known as Bast) as a voluptuous
human female with the head of a cat. Sharess enjoys toying with
beautiful mortals and she cannot resist casually flirting with anyone
she encounters. However, when her ardor cools and her passion is sated,
Sharess is easily distracted and quick to move on to new pleasures. She
dislikes snakes intensely. The church of Sharess is casually organized,
although its members often work and play together.
The clergy of Sharess
often run festhalls in large cities or directly serve decadent rulers.
These festhalls cater to all the senses and include fantastic feasts,
heavenly baths and massages, and every other pleasure imaginable.
Wealthy festhalls often employ one or two mid-level Sharessan, and some
Sharessan wander the countryside with Sharess's blessing seeking new
pleasing sensations to add to their repertoire.
Clerics of Sharess pray
for their spells at dusk, when the lure of the night first beckons. The
church of Sharess celebrates more festivals than possibly any other
faith in Faerun. They are known collectively as the Endless Revel of
Life. The daily rising and setting of the sun, the yearly passage of
seasons, the appearance of a full moon, or nearly any other event is
cause for a celebration and wild revel to which the general populace is
always invited. Each such festival has several outlandish titles and new
festivals are added all the time as old ones are forgotten. Without
comparison, however, Midsummer's Eve is the time of greatest rejoicing
among Sharess's faithful and an occasion for the most extreme pursuits
of boundless pleasure. Many clerics multiclass as bards.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Bast was a Mulhorandi deity who served as
patroness of cats and Anhur's lieutenant in the eternal struggle against
Set. At the height of Mulhorand's second empire, when many beast cults
were popular, Bast subsumed the portfolio of Felidae, a beast cult deity
of felines, sensual pleasures, and nomads. Struck by wanderlust, Bast
traveled across Faerun, leaving numerous cults in her wake, many of
which knew her as Sharess. Sharess eventually began to experiment with
the darker side of pleasure and fell under the sway of Shar. She would
have undoubtedly been wholly subsumed by the Dark Goddess if Sune had
not freed her during the Time of Troubles. Since that time, Sharess has
restored her ties of friendship with Anhur, Hanali Celanil, Liira, Milil,
Nobanion, Selune, and Sune. She now works to oppose the evil of Set,
Shar, and Loviatar, and Shar has never forgotten that Sharess escaped
her clutches.
DOGMA: Life is to be lived to its fullest, in decadent sensual
fulfillment of yourselves and others. That which is good is pleasurable
and that which is pleasurable is good. Pleasure is to be sought out at
every opportunity and life is to be lived as one endless revel. Spread
the bounty of Sharess so that all may join in the endless revel of life
and bring joy to all those in pain. Infinite experiences await those who
would explore, so try the new as well as savoring the old. |