Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Tymora: Lady Luck, the Lady Who Smiles, Our Smiling Lady
(Intermediate Deity)
Symbol: Silver coin featuring Tymora's face surrounded by
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Good,
fortune, skill, victory, adventurers
Worshipers: Rogues, gamblers,
adventurers, Harpers, lightfoot halflings
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection,
Favored Weapon: A spinning coin (shuriken)
(tie-more-ah), the friendly, graceful, and kind deity of good fortune,
owes her impressive popularity to two factors. Firstly, her dominance
over narrow escapes and lucky discoveries makes her the patron of choice
to Faeruns burgeoning adventurer population, who propitiate her in hopes
of prolonged survival and spectacular takes. The greatest boon to her
church came during the Time of Troubles, however, when Tymora appeared
to followers in Arabel and set up shop in the temple known as the Lady's
House. As the entire continent quaked with magic gone wild, Tymora
offered all-too-absent stability and the reassurances that some deity
still cared about their human subjects. The ability to actually meet a
deity (in exchange for a reasonable donation to the church, of course)
bolstered faith in desperate times, and the ranks of her clergy and
followers swelled accordingly. Those commoners who fail to take
themselves too seriously see the servants of Tymora as energetic
advocates of fun and adventure.
The clerics preach a doctrine that urges
their followers to take chances and do something, rather than sitting
around and daring nothing. Accordingly, those who choose Tymora as
patron tend to possess a zest for life and a calm assurance that the
Lady Who Smiles will ensure they live a long and fruitful life.
Halflings consider Tymora to be one of Yondolla's Children, and consider
her widespread worship in human lands as simply the greatest of Lady
Luck's numerous humorous cons. Clerics of Tymora often called
luckbringers, pray for their spells in the morning. The faithful
typically greet each other by touching holy symbols, often embracing to
do so. The clergy officially recognizes no set rituals, with religious
observances varying wildly according to the dictates of each temple.
Tymora's clerics most commonly multiclass as bards or rogues, but they
have been known to try almost any class combination. A rare few become
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Prior to the Dawn Cataclysm, a single
deity, Tyche, controlled both good and bad luck. A fickle deity whose
attention just as often brought calamity as calm, Tyche wandered through
her existence controlled only by her whims, seldom concerning herself
with anything or anyone for more than a moment. As luck would have it,
the amorous deity found herself embroiled in the war between deities
initiated by Lathander, who attempted to restructure the Faerunian
pantheon according to his own sense of propriety. Deciding quickly that
her paramour had become altogether too serious, Tyche kissed the
Morninglord with misfortune and left him to his fate.
During her travels, she came upon a beautiful rose, which she
attempted to pluck from the earth. Curiously, the flower would not
budge, so she cursed it with bad luck, whereupon its stem broke and it
fell to the ground. Thinking little of the incident, she placed the rose
in her hair and continued her roaming, oblivious to a dangerous
corruption on her very person. The rose had been an aspect of Moander,
deity of rot and decay. In short order, Moander worked its corruption
into Tyche's ear, eagerly draining the deity's lifeforce and withering
her form within. When she finally returned home, the oblivious Tyche
came upon her friends Lathander and Selune, as well as Azuth, who had
been warned of Moander's attack through consultation with the Pale
Tesseract. Before the disgusting creature that had once been Tyche could
greet her former companions, Selune lashed out with a bolt of purifying
light. Tyche's form split right down the middle, and from the husk
emerged a completely new deity. A bright, somewhat smaller version of
Tyche arose first, looking upon the three deities with a bemused
expression of confused recognition, as if she had known these figures in
dreams even if they had never met.
Bold, beautiful Beshaba was second to
arise. After a brief battle in which the good and evil aspects of the
fallen Tyche nearly destroyed each other if not for the combined effort
of Azuth, Lathander, and Selune, Beshaba cursed the four deities,
decrying them as murderers and luckless villains unworthy of both her
presence and her good will. Swearing to bedevil their followers with ill
fortune for eternity, the Maid of Misfortune left the assembly in a
torrent of acrid smoke and foul language. The newly born deity, Tymora,
simply shrugged, a small frown her only display of emotion. Since that
day, Tymora and Beshaba have continued their struggle. For Beshaba,
their battle is one of wholehearted destruction.
Tymora, for her part,
seeks to stave off the Maid of Misfortune's depredations, occasionally
punishing her cruel ambition with a particularly choice humiliation.
Though it would not be fair to call Tymora cruel, she does delight in
practical jokes, often attempting to bring good humor to stern deities
such as Helm and Tyr through the careful application of gentle teasing
and playful trickery. Though she inherited all the good qualities of her
progenitor, she also retains much of Tyche's fickleness-- she's seduced
dozens of deities and countless mortals, seldom staying with a single
paramour for more than a year or two. She shares a somewhat casual,
long-running romance with the halfling deity Brandobaris, whose passion
for daring-do and ribald shenanigans rivals her own.
DOGMA: One should
be bold, for to be bold is to live. A brave heart and a willingness to
take risks beat out a carefully wrought plan nine times out of ten.
Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust to your own luck. Bear and
conduct yourselves as your own masters, showing your good or bad fortune
as confidence in the lady. Chase your own unique goals, and the Lady
aids the chase. Without direction or goals, you soon know the embrace of Beshaba, for those on no set course are at the mercy of misfortune,
which has no mercy at all. |