Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Bane: The Black Lord, The Black Hand, the Lord of Darkness (Greater

Symbol: Green rays squeezed forth from a black fist
Home Plane:
The Barrens of Doom and Despair
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Strife,
hatred, tyranny, fear
Worshipers: Conquerors, evil fighters and monks, tyrants, wizards
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Domains: Evil,
Destruction, Hatred, Law, Tyranny
Favored Weapon: "The Black Hand of
Bane" [a black gauntlet] (Morningstar)
twisted halls of Zhentil Keep echo with malign invocations chanted in
shadowy temples though Faerun. Bane (bain) the Lord of Darkness, has
conquered death itself, returning to the world to give dark inspiration
to a thousand intrigues, to foment fear and hatred in civilized lands,
and to reassure the common mortal that tyranny, through it may suffer
occasional defeat, will never die. Though Bane transcended mortality
centuries ago, his primary goal remains notably human -- he seeks
nothing short of the total domination of Faerun. When his servants sit
upon the throne of every land, when commoners serve their masters in
fear for their very lives, and when altruism and hope have been erased
from the world, only then will Bane rest. Until that dark day, however,
the Black Hand has eternity to hatch demented plots and vile intrigues.
Eventually, he will rule all Faerun, but there's no hurry. Getting there
will be half the fun. Bane prefers to keep to the shadows, allowing his
servants to carry out his intricate plans. On the rare occasion in which
he appears, he takes the form of a shadowy humanoid figure -- often
bare-chested, sometimes wearing dark armor and a stylish black cloak
streaked with red. His right hand, invariably protected by a jeweled
metal gauntlet, is all the weapon he needs to dispatch the few foes
brave (or foolhardy) enough to attack him. He has no tolerance for
failure and seldom thinks twice about submitting even a loyal servant to
rigorous tortures to ensure complete obedience to his demanding,
regimented doctrine. Though possessed of an unforgiving wrath when
aroused, Bane is slow to anger, existing in a perpetual stat of
controlled burn.
Bane's tyranny is known throughout the continent, and
his is the image most seen as the face of evil. When news of Bane's
destruction during the Time of Troubles made its way throughout Faerun,
no fewer then twenty-seven nations declared national festivals of
celebration and thanksgiving. The commoner sees Bane's clerics as petty
would-be dictators unafraid to use immoral tactics and unthinkable
violence to spread their influence and agenda. The adventurer sees the
clergy as constant interlopers and enemies, agents of rigid, evil
philosophy who side with monsters, devils, and savage humanoids to
further their wicked ends. Canny nobles glimpse the truest threat, that
some of their peers pay homage to the Black Lord to gain through guile
and subterfuge what soldiers cannot conquer by force.
Clerics of bane
pray for spells at midnight. Their religion recognizes no official
holidays, though servants give thanks to the Black Hand before and after
major battles or before a particularly important act of subterfuge.
Senior clerics often declare holy days at a moment's notice, usually
claiming to act upon divine inspiration granted to them in dreams. Rites
include drumming, chanting, and the sacrifice of intelligent beings,
usually upon an altar of black basalt or obsidian. Of late, clerics of Cyric have become a preferred sacrifice, though old favorites such as
paladins, unicorns, children, and celestials remain popular with
traditionalists. Clerics of Bane most commonly multiclass in fighters,
monks, blackguards, or dreadmasters. Those associated with the Cult of
the Dragon often multiclass as wearers of Purple.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Even as a human, Bane wanted nothing more than
to become the most feared, respected tyrant the world had ever known.
However, doing so would require an infusion of arcane power greater than
that usually accorded to mortals. Hence, the calculating despot joined
forces with the similarly driven humans Bhaal and Myrkul in a pact of
mutual assistance that would end in the apotheosis of the entire trio.
The three villains adventured across the breadth of Faerun, defeated
countless foes, slew one of the Seven Lost Gods, and traveled throughout
the Lower Planes before achieving that goal. They benefited from the
generosity (or, as some suggest, indifference) of the dispassionate
Jergal, who had become bored with his role as patron of strife, death,
and the dead. Each gained one-third of Jergal's portfolio and dominated
their area of concern for centuries. However, even complete control over
strife was not enough for Bane, whose desire for supremacy led him, in
1358 DR, to once again team with Myrkul. The pair stole the Tablets of
Fate, inscribed by Lord Ao to outline the roles of the deities of Toril.
This precipitated the calamitous Time of Troubles, during which Bane was
slain by Torm the True in a furious battle in the harbor of Tantras. It
seemed the Black Lord's ceaseless ambition had at last led to his
destruction. Bane's church fragmented, with most of the faithful
defecting to the clergies of Cyric, who inherited Bane's portfolios, and
Iyachtu Xvim, the progeny of Bane's coupling with a powerful demon.
Agents of weal and freedom breathed easier in those days, knowing the
Toril was rid of perhaps its greatest menace. Those who let down their
guard, however, did so rashly, and far too soon. On midwinter night of
1372 DR, Xvim burst in a conflagration of diabolical green light. From
the smoking husk of his remains emerged a newly reinvigorated Bane, his
right hand ablaze with green fire. Xvim, it appeared, had been little
more than a sentient cocoon, a shell in which grew a festering larva
that would, in time, become Bane. Within days, the Xvimlar clergy had
converted to the worship of Bane, and a great evil once again cast its
calculating stare over the lands of Faerun.
Bane hates virtually the entire Faerunian pantheon but holds special
antipathy for Torm, Cyric, Mystra, Tempus, Helm, Lathander, Oghma, and
Ilmater, in that order. He has established a working relationship with
Loviatar, Mask, and Talona, but as these deities desperately fear him,
the alliances are not strong.
DOGMA: Serve no one but Bane. Fear him always and make others fear
him even more than you do. The Black Hand always strikes down those who
stand against it in the end. Defy Bane and die -- or in death find
loyalty to him, for he shall compel it. Submit to the word of Bane as
uttered by his ranking clergy, since true power can only be gained
through service to him. Spread the dark fear of Bane. It is the doom of
those who do not follow him to let power slip through their hands. Those
who cross the Black Hand meet their dooms earlier and more harshly than
those who worship other deities. |