Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Cyric: Prince of Lies, the Dark Sun, the Black Sun (Greater Deity)
White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
Home Plane: The supreme
Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Murder, lies, intrigue,
deception, illusion
Worshipers: Former worshipers of Bane, Bhaal, and
Myrkul, power-hungry (primarily young) humans
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN,
Domains: Chaos, Destructions, Evil, Illusion, Trickery
Weapon: "Razor's Edge" (longsword)
yric (seer-ick) is a petty, self-centered, megalomaniacal deity who
holds himself above all other deities. He has an immense following
throughout Faerun: The unholy radiance of the Dark Sun draws
power-hungry mortals like moths to a flame and then inexorably consumes
them. Cyric was once insane, but his bout with divine madness has
finally ebbed, and he no longer believes himself more powerful than all
other deities. The Price of Lies delights in spinning webs of deception
that lead both mortals and deities to their ruin and pit friends and
lovers against one another. He has assumed many guises since his
ascension: a bloody wraith, a cloud of poisonous smoke, or a sudden
gloom containing the phantom images of whirling human skulls and the
intent gaze of two black eyes. However, his true form is believed to be
that of a lim man with blazing dark eyes and chalk-white skin.
church of Cyric is widely (and justly) hated across all Faerun, for the
Dark Sun's followers a pledged to spread strife and work murder
everywhere. The followers of good-aligned deities hate Cyric's church
for the wicked acts of its members. The followers of neutral- aligned
deities, and even the faithless, detest the intrigues, murder, and
discord sown by Cyricists that disrupt the lives all all. The followers
of evil-aligned deities view Cyric's church as mad with power and a
threat to their own influence -- the Prince of Lies has shown himself
willing to do almost anything, including kill rival deities whos power
he covets.
Cyric's clerics pray for spells at night, after moonrise,
when the Dark Sun's radiance is at its height. Cyric's church has few
holy days and does not even celebrate the date of the deity's ascension,
for to do so would also honor Mystra ("the Harlot," to Cyric's
worshipers) and imply that Cyric has not held the mantle of divinity for
all eternity. However, whenever a temple acquires something or someone
important enough to sacrifice to Cyric, its high cleric declares a Day
of the Dark Sun to signify the holiness of the event. Eclipses are
always considered holy, and are often celebrated by feasts, fervent
prayers, and the murder of a high-ranking cleric or paladin of Lathander.
Cyric's clerics often multi-class as assassins, blackguards,
illusionists, rogues, or strifeleaders.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Once mortal, Cyric was elevated to divine
status by Ao at the conclusion of the Time of Troubles in 1358 DR, as
was Midnight (Mystra). Upon his ascension, Cyric claimed the portfolios
of Bane, Myrkul, and Bhaal, largely subsuming their churches into his
faith as well. The Dark Sun then slew Leira, Lady of the Mists, with the
aid of Mask in the form of the sword "Godsbane." A decade later, in 1368
DR, Cyric created the Cyrinishad, a tome of great power that proclaimed
him the One True Deity. Cyric unwisely read his own book, a mistake that
cost him his sanity and led to the loss of Myrkul's former portfolio to
Kelemvor, a mortal with whom Cyric had once adventured. Moreover, Oghma
and Mask conspired to create another tome entitled "The True Life of
Cyric", and with it the Dark Sun's plot was foiled -- although not
before the destruction of much of Zhentil Keep. However, caught in the
web of his own plots, Mask read the Cyrinishad as well, enabling Cyric
to steal the portfolio of intrigue from him, along with some of the
divine power of the Master of All Thieves.
A year later, in 1369 DR, Cyric was accused of innocence by reason of insanity, thereby failing in
his divine duty to spread strife and discord. Cyric's Chosen, a former
Calisarse merchant name Malik, arranged for his patron to read "The True
Life of Cyric" and thus regain his sanity. A tribunal of greater deities
then found the Dark Sun guilty of his crimes and allowed him to keep his
divine status. Now Cyric continues his murderous intrigues with renewed
fervor, ever striving to undermine his fellow deities and destroy all
that they hold precious in the mortal realm. He has no allies, although
from time to time he pretends to work with various deities in order to
ensure their eventual downfall. The Prince of Lies particularly hates
Mystra and her former lover, Kelemvor. He exacted a small measure of
vengeance against them by engineering the rift that forever sundered
their mortal bond of love. However, Cyric now views Bane as the greatest
threat to his power, and the brewing war between these two lords of evil
may eventually consume Faerun in a great Holocaust.
DOGMA: Death to all who oppose Cyric. Bow down before his supreme
power, and yield to him the book of those that do not believe in his
supremacy. Fear and obey those in authority, but slay those that are
weak, of good persuasion, or false prophets. Battle against all clergy
of other faiths, for they are false prophets and forces who oppose the
One True Way. Bring death to those that oppose Cyric's church or make
peace, order, and laws, for only Cyric is the true authority and all
other authority must be subverted. Break not into open rebellion, for
marching armies move the false deities to action. Fell one foe at a time
and keep all folk afraid, uneasy, and in constant strife. Any method or
means is justified if it brings about the desired end. |