Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Ilmater: The Crying God, The Broken God (Intermediate Deity)
Pair of white hands bound at the wrist with a red cord
Home Plane: House
of the Triad
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Endurance, suffering,
martyrdom, perseverance
Worshipers: The lame, the oppressed, the poor,
monks, paladins, serfs, slaves
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Good, Healing, Law, Strength, Suffering
Favored Weapon: An open hand
(unarmed strike)
entle and good- spirited, Ilmater (ill-may-ter) is a quiet,
even-tempered deity who willingly shoulders the burdens of tears of a
long-suffering world. Although he is low to anger, the wrath of the
Broken Deity is terrible in the face of extreme cruelty or atrocities.
He takes great care to reassure and protect children and young
creatures, and he takes exceptional offense at those who would harm
them. The Crying God appears as a man whose body has been badly
mutilated by punishment on the rack, crisscrossed with marks of torture
and having broken and ravaged joints. He is short, burly, balding, and
wears only a breechcloth, but his kind, homely face is warm and
comforting. Misunderstood by most, pitied and even scorned by a vocal
minority, the church of Ilmater yet has one of the largest and most
faithful followings in Faerun. In a cruel world, the suffering, the
sick, and the poor have come to rely only on the Crying God's followers
to provide succor to all.
The church of Ilmater is widely loved by
common folk in settled lands everywhere, and its clergy can count on
generous support in their lifelong mission of healing. Those who cannot
comprehend why anyone would willingly submit to the torments and
cruelties that Ilmater's faithful seem to welcome misunderstand the
church. Among those who hate weakness, the church of the Crying God is
seen as weak and foolhardy -- cruel tyrants and powerful villains alike
dangerously underestimate its members.
Clerics of Ilmater pray for
spells in the morning, although they still have to ritually pray to
Ilmater at least six times a day. They have no annual holy days, but
occasionally a cleric calls for a Plea of Rest. This allows him or her
to a tenday of respite from Ilmater's dictates, to prevent emotional
exhaustion or allow the cleric to do something Ilmater would normally
frown upon. This custom is an established tradition that some leaders of
the faith rely upon, sending their best fighting clergy out to do things
that the church cannot otherwise accomplish (covertly removing a tyrant
rather than confronting him openly, for example). The most important
ritual is the Turning: It is the duty of every cleric of Ilmater to
convince the dying to turn to Ilmater for comfort, receiving the
blessing of the Broken God before they expire. (This deathbed prayer
does not change the person's patron deity to Ilmater.) As the veneration
of Ilmater grows, even in death, his healing powers become greater. Many
clerics learn the Brew Potion feat so that they can help those beyond
their immediate reach. One group of Ilmatari monks, the Broken Ones,
acts as defenders of the faithful and the church's temples, as well as
agents of punishment for those who cruelly harm others. These monks can
multiclass freely as arcane devotees, clerics, divine champions, divine
disciples, divine seekers, or hierophants.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Ilmater is an older deity who has long been
associated with Tyr (his superior) and Torm, who together are known as
the Triad. The Triad work together closely, for in union they are
stronger than as individuals. Ilmater is also allied with Lathander. He
opposes deities who enjoy destruction and causing pain and hardship for
others, particularly Loviatar and Talona, whose natures are
diametrically opposed to his own. Other foes include Bane, Garagos,
Malar, Shar, and Talos.
DOGMA: Help all who hurt, no matter who they are. The truly holy take
on the suffering of others. If you suffer in his name, Ilmater is there
to support you. Stick to your cause if it is right, whatever the pain or
peril. There is no shame in a meaningful death. Stand up to all tyrants,
and allow no injustice to go unchallenged. Emphasize the spiritual
nature of life over the existence of the material body. |