Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Mielikki: Our Lady of the Forest, the Forest Queen (Intermediate
Gold-horned, blue-eyed unicorn's head facing left
Home Plane: House of
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Autumn, dryads, forest
creatures, forests, rangers
Worshipers: Druids, fey creatures,
foresters, rangers
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Animal, Good,
Plant, Travel
Favored Weapon: The Hornblade (scimitar)
ielikki (my-lee-kee) is a good-humored deity who is quick to smile
and confident in her actions. She is fiercely loyal to and protective of
those she calls friends but considers carefully before including someone
among them. While she knows death is part of the cycle of life, she is
not as hard-hearted as Silvanus and often intervenes to cure the
injuries of a creature because she finds them hard to bear. Mielikki
appears as a robust, russet-haired, brown-eyed woman of shapely form and
lithe grace, garbed in leather armor of muted green and brown.
church of Mielikki is well-regarded in wilderness areas, where rangers
are often the only shield against the dangers of the frontier. Correctly
or not, most see its clergy as far more willing to seek an equitable
balance between settlement and preserving nature than the faithful of
Silvanus or the elves who have long stalked the forests. Moreover, her
church is seen as a necessary counter to the bestial savagery of the
Beast lord's followers.
Clerics, druids, and spellcasting rangers of
Mielikki pray for spells in the morning or the evening but are required
to observe both. They listen to and understand the whispers of the woods
after a period of meditation and extended introspection. Once a month,
each cleric or druid is required to perform the Song of Trees, a ritual
that calls forth a dryad or treant, and then serve the creature by
performing small tasks for a day. The church's most holy rituals, called
the Four Feasts, take place on the equinoxes and solstices. They
celebrate the sensual side of existence and involve singing praises to
the Lady in forest depths wherever possible. Celebrations on Greengrass
and Midsummer night are similar to the Four Feasts, but they also
include planting rites and the Wild Ride, where herds of unicorns gather
and allow the faithful to ride them bareback through the forest. On
years when Shieldmeet follows Midsummer, the Ride continues for that day
and night if desired. Almost all clerics of Mielikki multi-class as
rangers or (to a lesser extent) druids. Her druids may use armor and
weapons allowed to rangers and not be in violation of their sacred
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Mielikki is the daughter of Silvanus and
sister of Eldath. Gwaeron Windstrom and Shiallia serve her, and Lurue
the Unicorn is her mount when she rides into battle. Mielikki is
friendly with Shaundakul and Lathander and opposes evil-aligned deities,
particularly Malar, Talos, Talona.
DOGMA: Intelligent beings can live in harmony with the wild without
requiring the destruction of one in the name of the other. Embrace the
wild and fear it not, because the wild ways are the good ways. Keep the
Balance and learn the hidden ways of life, but stress the positive and
outreaching nature of the wild. Do not allow trees to be needlessly
felled or the forest burned. Live in the forest and be a part of the
forest, but do not dwell in endless battle against the forest. Protect
forest life, defend every tree, plant anew where death fells a tree, and
restore the natural harmony that fire-users and woodcutters often
disrupt. Live as one with the woods, teach others to do so, and punish
and curtail those that hunt for sport or practice cruelties on wild
creatures. |