Cleric Alignments: Any
Oghma: The Lord of Knowledge, Binder of What is Known (Greater Deity)
Blank Scroll
Home Plane: House of Knowledge
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Bards, inspiration, invention, knowledge
Worshipers: Artists,
Bards, Cartographers, Inventors, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes,
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Travel,
Favored Weapon: "Mortal Strike" (longsword)
ollowers of Oghma (ogg-mah) tell an interesting tale regarding the
earliest days of existence. Not long after Shar and Selune created Toril
and gave birth to Chauntea, the world's animating spirit, a traveler
ventured to the world from a distant realm. He came upon a chaotic
landscape of indistinct, shapeless concepts yearning to be given
solidity. To each of these concepts he gave a name that would define it
in the eons to come. Such was the power of these names that the concepts
transcended their elusive existence, bound to physical form in the
material world. Thus, did Oghma, the Binder of What is Known, give order
to chaos and claim an honored place among Toril's oldest deities.
Oghma's dominion over the realm of ideas continues to this day. The Lord
of Knowledge sits in judgment of all ideas, deciding whether they will
be allowed to spread, or whether they will die with their originator. In
this regard, the Binder exercises a great deal of caution, for the
experience of countless ages weighs heavy on his heart. He prefers a
doctrine of ideological conservatism, hoping that no new thought
disrupts the delicate balance he has nurtured since the beginning of
time. Despite this, Oghma exudes an outwardly cheerful demeanor, using
his good looks, skillful debate, and peerless charm to sway even the
most ardent opponents to his way of thinking. Radical deities such as
Lathander and Lliira, who frequently oppose Oghma's rigid adherence to
the status quo, view his orations as hidebound and manipulative.
Nonetheless, all but the most vile and loveless appreciate the fine lilt
of his voice and his delicate, skillful performance on the yarting (a
type of guitar). Oghma's legendary musical skill and geniality define
mortal impressions of the deity. He is the patron of bards, and most
consider him the source of creative inspiration and the protector of
accumulated knowledge.
Served by sages, wizards, bards, and any who base
their lives on the exchange of knowledge or song, Oghma is honored by
members of every race, social class, and creed. Clerics of Oghma pray
for spells in the morning. Every day, they perform two rituals known as
the Cornerstones of the Day. The first, the Binding, is a morning
ceremony of writing mystic symbols during silent prayer. The second,
known as the Covenant, is an evening ritual sharing works of wisdom,
song and new knowledge. Clerics celebrate Midsummer and Shieldmeet as
holy days, since these occasions traditionally mark new agreements or
pacts, when many written contracts, deeds, and bonds are drawn up. When
a child follower of Oghma achieves his or her twelfth year (or
equivalent for nonhuman worshipers), local clerics perform a private
ceremony known as the Naming. They reveal to the youth his or her "True
Name", a secret signifier that represents that being's true essence.
One's True Name is used only in personal prayer to the Lord of Knowledge
and should not be shared with anyone. Oghmanytes believe that knowing
one's True Name gives power over that person, and hence do not mention
it even to their closest friends or relatives. Oghma's clerics often
multiclass as bards and sometimes as wizards or loremasters.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Most Oghmanyte myths date to the earliest
centuries of human existence. Some claim that Oghma gifted the world
with written language, others that the Binder is responsible for all
concepts. While such theological pedantry incites endless debate among
the scholarly classes of Faerun, nearly everyone agrees that Oghma is
ancient and has been widely worshiped since before the dawn of history.
Together, Oghma, Denier, Milil, and Gond are known as the Deities of
Knowledge and Invention. The Binder has a somewhat patronizing
relationship with Deneir and Milil, whom he treats as his servants in
the preservation and promulgation of knowledge. He appreciates Gond's
enthusiasm and creativity but frowns at the Wonderbringer's constant
desire to push technology further and further, putting innovation ahead
of introspection. Oghma dislikes Mask, Cyric, and Bane, viewing them as
the most credible threats to his beloved balance.
DOGMA: Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of ideas, is
supreme. An idea has no weight, but it can move mountains. The greatest
gift of humankind, an idea outweighs anything made by mortal hands.
Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from
others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false
and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered. Never
slay a singer, nor stand by as others do so. Spread knowledge wherever
it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumor, and deceitful
tales whenever you encounter them. Write or copy lore of great value at
least once a year and give it away. Sponsor and teach bards, scribes,
and record keepers. Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk know
more. Never deliver a message falsely or incompletely. Teach reading and
writing to those who ask (if your time permits), and charge no fee for
the teaching. |