Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN
Shaundakul: Rider of the Winds, the Helping Hand (Lesser Deity)
A wind-walking bearded man in traveler's cape and boots
Home Plane:
Gates of the Moon
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Travel,
exploration, portals, miners, caravans
Worshipers: Explorers, caravaneers, rangers, portal-walkers, half- elves
Cleric Alignments: CE,
Domains: Air, Chaos, Portal, Protection, Trade, Travel
Weapon: "Sword of Shadows" (greatsword)
haundakul (shawn-da-kul) is a lonely deity of few words who lets his
deeds speak for him. He is kind but stern, with a rugged sense of humor
that sometimes comes to the fore. His faith is on the upswing in part
because of his willingness to personally recruit worshipers while
manifesting in the world in physical form. Clad in his dark, swirling
cloak, leather armor, and boots that never quite touch the ground, the
Rider of the Winds cuts a regal figure with his massive greatsword ever
at the ready. Tall and handsome, Shaundakul walks in silence but is
surrounded by the ever-present keening whistle of the wind.
falling into obscurity in the wake of the fall of Myth Drannor, the
church of Shaundakul has been greatly revitalized since the Time of
Troubles. The decade-long absence of Waukeen and near collapse of her
church in the wake of the Avatar Crisis caused many merchants,
particularly caravaneers, to turn to Shaundakul for a time. Although
many merchants have since returned to the church of the Waukeen, others,
particularly those infected with wanderlust, have stayed faithful, and
the church has continued to grow. Today, the church of Shaundakul
attracts many brave adventurers and daring explorers to its ranks, and
word of their latest exploits is eagerly awaited in the cities in which
they are based.
Clerics of Shaundakul pray for their spells in the
morning right after the wind shifts from the changing temperature. Their
holy day is the Windride, which is celebrated on the 15th day of Tarsakh.
On this day, Shaundakul causes all his clerics to assume gaseous form at
dawn, if they cannot wind walk on their own, so that they are carried
with the wind. They return to normal (And are lowered safely to the
ground) at dusk, usually in some place they have never been before.
Shaundakul's clergy members have a few simple ceremonies they practice
when appropriate. They are to utter a simple prayer every time the wind
changes significantly. Whenever they discover previously uncharted
territory (such as an undiscovered valley, lake, or island), they are to
create a small throne of rocks marked with Shaundakul's symbol near the
location where they first made the discovery. If capable, they are to
create a shrine to Shaundakul using stone shape. Shaundakul's clerics
commonly multiclass as rangers or windwalkers.
HISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Shaundakul is an old deity, once an
intermediate deity popular in the Moonsea, whose divine status predates
the creation of Beshaba and Tymora from Tyche. Shaundakul's church
collapsed and his followers dwindled in the aftermath of the fall of
Myth Drannor, and he dwindled in status to the rank of demipower.
Beshaba later used his name to promote discord among the nomads of
Anauroch, who now curse him as the Treacherous Lurker in the Sands.
Since the Time of Troubles, Shaundakul has risen back to the level of
lesser power and allied himself with deities such as Akadi, Mielikki and
her allies, Selune, Tymora, and the more daring members of the Seldarine.
He opposes Shar because he dislikes secrets and enjoys spreading the
word of hidden places. He battles with Beshaba for the suffering she has
inflicted in his name.
DOGMA: Spread the teachings of the Helping Hand by example. Work to
promote him among traders, especially trailblazers who seek out new
lands and new opportunities. Unearth and resanctify ancient shrines of
Shaundakul. Ride the wind, and let it take you wherever it blows. Aid
those in need, and trust in the Helping Hand. Seek out the riches of the
earth and sea. Journey to distant horizons. Be the first to see the
rising sun, the mountain peaks, the lush valleys. Let your footsteps
fall where none have tread. |