Harbor of Phlan
The Harbor of Phlan is far from being a major stop in the Moonsea sea lanes, but it
is still a very busy trading hub. Despite its smaller size compared to other
harbors it is by far the best-protected, with a clear
and safe approach for incoming vessels. It is thus often used as a
refuge for ships in the frequent and treacherous storms that often gather in
the Moonsea. It is the main point of entry for goods and people into the city,
and as such it has been thoroughly reconstructed to the point it hardly bears
the marks of the repeated invasions of the city. A heavily fortified wall
separates the docks from the Harbor district, and the only gate through is well
manned by watchmen from the nearby Porthouse.
The Harbor district fashions a bustling marketplace where all kinds of goods
are purchased and exchanged. A large section is covered by warehouses where cargoes are constantly being
unloaded, stored and moved about.
As with any harbor, the immediate area around the docks is generally
populated with lower class citizens, dockworkers and stranded sailors
waiting to get on a ship. Generally speaking, the warehouse area is
filled with all kinds of scum and those who have no business in
there do better staying away. The Harbor's Docks at night are not
recommended for anyone, as fights among drunken sailors and muggings
are common, and the Watch usually stays out of the streets except for
the occasional patrol.
The Northern end of the Harbor District right by the Harbor wall is where several governmental
institutions, temples and noble estates are located.Studded with
all kinds of landmarks, it hosts the City Hall, site of the Phlan
Council; the Justice Hall, headquarters of the militia; and the Mayor's
house. It also contains a number of temples, prominent among them the
dome of the Waiting, the magnificent temple of Tyr.
It’s always a bit dicey where the Harbor ends and the Old City begins, but everything south of the Old
City walls is technically the Harbor District, even though socially it’s a
hundred leagues away. Notable establishments
inside the Harbor are:
1. The Sword and Serpent.
A rickety shambles of a tavern above, housing a cavern-basement tavern and …
calling it a brothel is too charitable… containing the scum of Phlan, tolerated mostly
because half its clientele are out on ship at any moment and hard to prosecute,
and because it tends to encourage birds of a feather to flock together here,
rather than near respectable people.
2. The Holy Fortress. This temple of Tempus has seen more or less
everything the Moonsea could throw at it, and its zealots are to be found in
all the big fights.The public is permitted to use the training grounds below so long as they adhere to strict Tempuran
regulation while bouting. Prize fights and gambling on the same are strictly
forbidden on the training grounds, to the perennial disappointment of newcomers
to town.
3. The Waiting. Ancient Phlan was a stronghold of The Triad
in the northern Moonsea, and those who worship here would like to keep it that
way.Officially a temple to Tyr, adherents of Torm and Ilmater are welcome inside and treated as
brethren-in-faith even though Tormites and Ilmaterites have their own (much
smaller) missions in town.
4. The City Hall. Inveterate Gossip Malvolio Tuck is the first
to greet (and comment on, later) everybody who comes through the front door.
The building also includes a rarity, a library which can be used by the public.Its selection is quite limited, but open
libraries are a rarity, and it’s leaned on regularly by all manner of
researcher. Adventurers should note that Tuck oversees the selling of bounty
5. The Water Lily. Not exactly the movers and shakers of the
Moonsea, Sunites have nonetheless kept their ancient toe-hold in Phlan, largely
by organizing the best parties and catering to those who need either artwork or
a skilled match-maker.
6. Watch Headquarters/Justice House: Where you go if you do something stupid and
they have to throw you in the cells to await hanging, a fine, or a
sternly-worded request that you not make them up the ante on you next time.
Adventurers often wind up in trouble here, because while they tend to mean
well, by and large, they also tend to make messes that the miserably-paid Watch
then has to clean up.