odol PlazaThis
district lies directly north of the Old City, and it is a much more
mixed neighbourhood in the sense that people of all walks of life often
mingle in it streets. The quality of the buildings and the wealth of
their inhabitants range from the wealthy near the Old City to the poor
closer to the Western District. The area is host to both luxurious
estates and lowly homes.
North Gate opens to a drawbridge that allows passage to and from the
mainland of Faerun. Travelers arriving to Phlan by land do so through
this gate and are greeted by the noise and mayhem from the Trading Post
Bazaar, and the eerie silence from the gallows in the Hanging
most important landmark of Podol Plaza is without doubt Kuto's Well.
This is little more than a hole in the ground which is said to have
played some important role in the history of Phlan and to give access
to untold horrors that lurk in the depths beneath the city. The truth
is a detachment of watchmen keeps guard at all times and prevents
entrance to anyone without a written permit issued by the Council, and
most citizens who walk by look warily at the dried well as if expecting
something to leap at them from its yawning darkness.
Plaza is a rather well guarded district with its own Watchhouse, as
required to protect the Bazaar's customers from petty thieves and the
North Gate from possible attackers. The area is, however, a bustling
hive of activity for criminals led by a group of thieves and small time
brigands known collectively as 'The Welcomers'. These felons are
surprisingly well regarded by the populace of the city and tolerated by
the majority of citizens since they only target foreigners and
travelers stopping off to restock their supplies. Even the Watch takes
the approach of keeping them under control rather than trying to remove
them completely because of their popularity.
remarkable are the almost mythical Crater of Argulorax, the point where
an ancient black dragon is said to have impacted against the ground.
(A Few of The Many) Notable Establishments on Podol Plaza:
1. Denlor's Tower: This ancient tower houses Phlan’s wizarding
guild, and its odd combination of clearly Mulan wizarding staff, combined with
the overwhelming Desanea influence (yes, we do mean THAT Desanea, Shal
herself), render the Tower the subject of endless rumors as a tool of the
Thayans, Tyrrans, both, or neither, depending on what time of the day or night
and how drunk the rumor-mongers in question are.
2. Urlen’s Alchemy Shoppe: Located next to Kuto’s Well. Timothy Urlen is getting up there in years.
While he sells alchemical products, more and more of his time lately is spent
teaching newcomers the basics of herbalism, alchemy, and potion-making in
3. The Trading Post. The Plaza itself is dotted with numerous small-time merchants who
collectively form The Trading Post. Their prices and wares tend to vary in
direct response to Phlan’s fortunes.
4. The Dust to Dust. Kelemvor’s faith is not widely-followed in Phlan, but the ever-looming
presence of the Valhingen Cemetery means that its faithful have their work cut
out for them.
5. The Dreadlord’s Shrine. Rebuilt after having been
burnt during the so-called “Temple War” a couple years back, the Shrine is more
imposing than ever, and one of the first things a newcomer arriving from the
north sees in Phlan. Banites, of course, like it that way. Everybody else tends
to grumble.
6. The Laughing Goblin. Widely considered the best
inn in Phlan, it boasts a downstairs which is as comfortable as the Cracked
Crown is posh. The upstairs is common-beds like most inns, but there are also
tables and desks for those who need to get work done. The owner, Boradak
Goblinkicker, is known by those who pay attention to have been an adventurers,
and Sot, while famously gracious to the ladies, is basically paid to polish
glasses and serve drinks while eavesdropping all day. He’s obviously an agent
of (insert your wild drunken theories here).
7. Army of Phlan Headquarters. Currently housed in
the Raegar estate for historical reasons (the Army having been reconstituted
from House Raegar’s mercenaries), the Army overlooks the Slums Market and
regularly deploys soldiers and adventurers both depending on the task needing
to be accomplished.
