trongheart Halflings
(Base Race-HALFLING, Sub Race- Stronheart Halfling)
While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel
and sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more
organized, orderly, and industrious race. They build to last and
fiercely defend their homelands against threats that their lightfoot kin
would simply flee. Northland humans familiar with the easygoing ways of
the lightfoot halflings are surprised to learn that some halflings are
capable of a warrior tradition and aren't' afraid to show a hint of
arrogance or confidence in their own abilities and strengths.
Strongheart halflings enjoy athletic contests and value exceptional
skills of all kinds.
* Ability Adjustment: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
* As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor
Class, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus to Hide
checks, but she uses smaller weapons then humans use, and her lifting
and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium character.
* Stealthy: +2 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
* Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear.
* Good Aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons and
* Keen Hearing: +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.
* Quick to Master: One extra feat at 1st level.
* Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass halfling's rogue class does not
count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for
multiclassing. Halflings have long had to rely on stealth, wit, and
skill, and the vocation of rogue comes naturally to them.
Regions: Luiren, Strongheart Halfling
The strongheart halflings are, like the ghostwise and lightfoot hin,
native to Luiren. They trace their ancestry back to the same long-lost
days as the other subraces, but unlike their cousins, the stronghearts
elected to remain in their homeland following the events of the Hin
Ghostwar. The legacy of Chand, the strongheart war chieftain who
galvanized his tribe against the threat of the feral ghostwise, lives on
today in a nation that both reinforces and defies many of the
expectations nonhalflings have of this face.
Thousands of years ago, Luiren was an unsettles wilderness roamed by
the three great Hal fling tribes: the lightfoots, the stronghearts, and
the ghostwise. The three races fiercely defended their woodlands against
all intruders for centuries, driving off Dambrathan barbarians, packs of
rabid gnolls, and sharing the Lluirwood's resources. Feuds between the
tribes were not uncommon, but for the most part the three tribes lived
in peace.
Around -100 DR, an evil spirit entered the forest. Under the
leadership of a powerful cleric named Desva, the ghostwise halflings
fell into darkness, worshiping Malar and glorifying in violence and
bloodshed. Feral ghostwise hunters, their faces painted like skulls,
prowled the forests in search of halfling prey. They grew ever stronger
as Desva led them deeper into Malar's worship, teaching the greatest
hunters to take shapes as werewolves and poisoning the forest's natural
predators with maddening bloodlust. For a generation the Lluirwood was a
place of death.
In -68 DR, a strongheart hunter named Chand became war chief of his
folk and struck an alliance with the was chief of the lightfoot tribe.
The two united to root out the madness of the ghostwise halflings. Over
three years each ghostwise stronghold and lair was found out and
destroyed, until Chand himself slew Desva of the ghostwise in -65 DR.
The fighting was merciless and awful – entire ghostwise villages were
burned and their folk killed. Chand held to his purpose and saw to it
that no hin warrior stayed his or her hand.
In the aftermath of the Hin Ghostwars, the ghostwise halflings were
reduced to a handful of their former number. Most were exiled from the
Lluirwood, although a handful who had repudiated Desva and joined with
Chand's warriors were allowed to stay. Those who left settled in the
Chondalwood, taking an oath never to speak until they had atoned for the
animallike savagery of their past. The atonement is long past, but to
this day ghostwise halflings think long and hard before they choose to
Many of the lightfoots, horrified by what Chand and the stronghearts
had done, chose to leave the Lluirwood. They became a nomadic people
spread across all of northern Faerun, adopting the customs and
traditions of the folk they traveled among.
The stronghearts remained in the Lluirwood. Unchecked by the
lightfoot or ghostwise ways, they began to clear forest and settled in
semipermanent villages that grew larger and more permanent with each
passing generation. They changed from woodland nomads to settled farmers
and craftsfolk, defending their lands against numerous invasions and
raids over the years. In time some lightfoots returned to the new realm
of Luiren, but this is now a strongheart land.
Prior to the Hin Ghostwar, the stronghearts were, like their
brethren, mostly a nomadic hunter-gather people. During the centuries
that followed the terrible conflict, however, the stronghearts
gravitated toward a more agrarian-based lifestyle centered around
permanent communities. But if the communities were stationery, the
stronghearts were not, moving from established community to established
This strange duality of nature, consisting of a desire to more about
freely with a liking for permanent structures and settlements, has
produced some unusual outlooks among the stronghearts of Luiren. Their
viewpoint stresses cooperation aboe all other traits, and the ability to
work as a team is the most valued behavior in their land. Cooperation
trascends many boundaries in Luiren, and even strangers of whom the
locals are suspicious can earn themselves considerable credit and
tolerance by demonstrating a willingness to cooperate.
Strongheart Halfling Characters
Stronghearts have relatively more clerics and martial characters
(fighters, rangers, and paladins) than their lightfoot cousins, but the
skilled rogue is still the most common character class among strongheart
Favored Class: Rogue. Strongheart halflings can be tricky, clever
warriors of glib negotiators – or both.
Strongheart Halfling Society
The stronghearts have evolved a unique, semi-nomadic lifestyle, in
which business, families, and even entire clans move freely and
independently from place to place in Luiren. The fusion of wanderlust
and stability is a source of wonderment and confusion for visitors, who
find it difficult to comprehend how a society can enjoy such seemingly
whimsical mobility while retaining any viable structure. For their part,
most of the strongheart hin cannot understand why anyone would want to
tie themselves permanently to any one community or structure for their
entire lives.
Language and Literacy
Strongheart halflings speak Halfling and Common, and many pick up
Shaaran a well. All but the very rare barbarians are literate.
Strongheart Halfling Magic and Lore
Strongheart halflings invest more magic in their communities than
lightfoot or ghostwise halflings. Stationary magic items are for more
common; strongheart communities have everything from continual flames
lighting the town square at night to city walls that magically repel
enemy arrows. Not every village has such wonders, for the stronghearts
aren't profligate in their spellcasting. But most strongheart
spellcasters devote their efforts to improving the lot of their
communities – even if the spellcasters themselves will be moving on once
their work is done.
Strongheart Halfling Deities
The scrupulous stronghearts of Luiren take care to honor all the
deities in the halfling pantheon, but their way of life reflects the
influence of certain powers more than others. They do not favor any
deities from other pantheons, and they actively discourage halflings
from venerating the gods and goddesses of other races.
Among all the Faerudian halfling subraces, Arvoreen enjoys the
strongest worship from the stronghearts of Luiren. While the Luiren hin
venerate all the deities of the halfling pantheon in their turn, they
hold the Vigilant Guardian in very high regard. His simple dogma has
almost become the de facto motto of the nation: “Vigilance against
attack will protect the community. Prepare an active defense, drill
continuously, and leave nothing to change. Put down danger before
allowing it a chance to rear its head." Clerics of the Wary Sword are
among the nation's foremost religious, political, and military leaders;
most of them multiclass as fighters.
Strongheart druids and rangers frequently venerate Sheela Peryroyl,
the Green Sister, and they encourage their fellow hin to be mindful of
the need to balance their communities expansions with the need to
preserve nature. Most strongheart communities in Luiren maintain shrines
to the Watchful Mother, usually on the edge of the settled area where it
borders the wilderness.
Yondalla, the Blessed One, is the most popular halfling deity after
Avoreen among the stronghearts. Many of the subrace who dwell in Luiren
find the dichotomy of her faith – do not welcome violence, but defend
the home and community fiercely – to be reflective of the strongheart
outlook. Yondalla reigns supreme in Luiren whenever matters of family
and tradition are invoked, and her clergy enjoys considerable respect
and influence in the most important national councils.
Strongheart Halfling Equipment
The strongheart hin understand that they must be ready to defend
their homes and nation literally at a moment's notice. They cannot know
when a hostile creature or enemy force may launch an attack from the
Luirwood of the Toadsquat Mountains. The have learned from bitter
experience that it's best to be prepared, even when engaged in such
mundane activities as husbandry and traveling. Therefore they have
developed such devices as the wagon shields (see appendix), which can bu
used to bolster defenses even in the most unlikely situations. |