(Base Race- HUMAN, Sub Race- left empty)
Compared to most of the nonhuman races, who tend to get along with
others of their own race reasonably well, the humans of Faerun are
divided into innumerable competing nations, states, sects, religions,
bandit kingdoms, and tribes. Humans argue about anything, fight about
most things they argue about, and hold dear among their many deities
quite a few who actively encourage that type of behavior.
The longer-lived races of elves and dwarves tend to have respect for
individual humans who deserve it without necessarily respecting the entire race. The elves have difficulty forgetting that the first
human empires of Netheril, Raumanthar, Narfell and other ancient lands
were built upon magical secrets borrowed or looted from elves. The fact
that those early human empires invariably corrupted themselves with evil
magic does not reassure the elves. The dwarves, particularly the shield
dwarves of northern Faerun, respect humans as fierce warriors, but feel
that there will be little room for their race in a world dominated by
Humans don't see it that way, of course. Their greatest heroes
outshine the deities themselves, or become deities in their own right.
Unfortunately, the same could be said of humanity's greatest
villains, and that is a challenge facing any human adventurer. Power
comes at a cost.
* Quick to Master: One extra feat at 1st level.
* Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill
point at each following level.
* Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human
suffers an XP penalty, his highest-level class does not count.
Human, Chondathan
Regions: Chondalwood, Cormyr, Dalelands, Dragon Coast, Great Dale,
Impiltur, Moonsea, Nelanther Isles, Sembia, Silverymoon, the Vast,
Vilhon Reach, Western Heartlands, Waterdeep, Chondathan.
Chondathans are hardy folk, not afraid to take risks, travel, or
settle new lands, and are always looking to better themselves and their
families monetarily. As Chondathan culture has taken root in so many
distant lands, Chondathans are comfortable in most human societies. Many
Chondathans are merchants of one sort or another, selling their skills
and the fruits of their labors for coin. Although Chondathans make
skilled mercenaries and cunning rogues, Chondathan culture has not
encouraged study of the Art of great religious fervor. Notable
exceptions exist, particularly in the study of the Art among the
Netherse-influenced Chondathan cultures that lie north and west of the
Inner Sea.
From the cradle of Vilhon Reach, Chondathan emigrants have settled
most of the western and central Inner Sea region as well as much of the
Western Heartlands. Outside their homeland, Chondathans form the primary
racial stock of Altumbel, Cormyr, the southern Dalelands, the Dragon
Coast, the Great Dale, Hlondeth and the north shore of the Vilhon Reach,
the Pirate Isles of the Inner Sea, Sembia, and Sespech. Thanks to
for-wandering Chondathan traders, the Chondathan tongue is spoken even
in regions where the number of pureblooded Chondathans is small or
nearly nonexistent. Chondathan ancestry, language and culture form a
significant portion of Damaran, Vassan, and Tehtyrian heritage.
Chondathans are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair ranging
from almost blond to almost black. Most Chondathans are tall and have
green or brown eyes, but all builds and hair and eye hues may be seen.
Those Chondathans who dwell north and west of the Sea of Fallen Stars
(except in Sembia) are more likely to have blue eyes and have fairer
complexions and darker hair than those born in the South, evidence of a
significant Netherese heritage. In Chondath itself, particularly in the
lands bordering Sespech, a significant Shaaran influx in recent
centuries has given many natives of Chondath more of an olive-skinned
Chondathans regard themselves as having come to dominate central
Faerun almost by accident; they have “conquered" more land through trade
and settlements than with armies. They show little arrogance and only a
small amount of pride regarding the predominance of their language and
culture. Likewise, Chondathans are more apt to identify themselves by
their national origins (such as Cormyrean, Dalesfolk, or Sembian) than
by their ethnic group. If Chondathans do have a common vice, it is
perhaps their cultural focus on wealth and its acquisition. Among
Chondathans, prestige and influence are often directly tied to wealth,
and it is no accident that the merchant nobility plays a strong role in
most societies influenced by Chondathan culture.
Chondathans trace their ancestry back to the Twelve Cities of Swords
in ancient Jhaamdath, founded around -5800 DR by the great warrior-king
Jhaam. Jhaamdath lay north of the Chondalwood along the south shore of
the Vilhon Reach, with outposts stretching from the Dragon Coast to the
Akanal. Only the armies and axes held at bay for many years by the wood
elves of Nikerymath.
In - 5032 DR, Jhaamdath clashed with the Kingdoms of Mir and Cormshan
over control of the Lake of Steam, precipitating the unification of
Calimshan. After several decades of fighting, Calimshan and Jhaamdath
agreed to a truce in -5005 DR. In the millennial that followed,
Jhaamdath sank into stagnation, its inhabitants becoming increasingly
xenophobic and withdrawn. Jhaamdath even fell under the sway of Unther
from roughly -1500 DR to -1069 DR. Not until -276 DR did Jhaamdath's
inhabitants turn outward once again, after Jhaamdath's last warlord
seized power and called for the building of a strong navy to sail out
upon the Inner Sea and conquer new lands. Such ship-building required
the felling of many trees, a move that reignited war between Jhaamdath
and elven-ruled Nikerymath and led to the elven realm's destruction.
Seeking vengeance, four High Mages of Nikerymath unleashed a
gargantuan tidal wave that roared up Jhaamdath's bay, smashing the
Twelve Cities of Swords and reshaping the topography into what is known
today as the Vilhon Reach. The actions of the High Mages were not
without consequence, however, for their Art precipitated the fall of the
sea elven empire of Aryselmalyr and unleashed an inexorable tide of
humanity that eventually displaced most of the elven realms of
northcentral Faerun.
Many of those who survived the Year of the Furious Waves (-255 DR)
set out to colonize lands that would later become known as Impiltur,
Thesk, and the Vast, in a vast tide of pragmatic prospectors, elf-hating
soldiers, merchants, and a sprinkling of peaceful scholars and farmers.
After occupying much of the northcentral Inner Sea region, the
descendants of Jhaamdath began migrating westward from Impiltur in the
year 1 DR, settling the Dalelands and the northern shore of the
Dragonmere. The latter group founded the Forest Kingdom of Cormyr in 26
DR under the rule of House Obarskyr.
Back in the Vilhon Reach, those who remained established new cities
around the year 50 DR, including Iljak, Musssam, Samra, and Arrabar.
After suffering yet another plague and again incurring the wrath of the
elves of Chondalwood, the cities united to form Chondath in 139 DR.
Chondath existed ever since, although it was reduced to little more than
a collection of city-states during the Elfblade Stand of 877 DR and the
Rotting War of 900-902 DR.
A third wave of Chondathan migration occurred in the 380s DR, when
settlers from Chondath established the colonies of Chancelgaunt (later
Selgaunt) and Chondathan (later Saerloon) along the coast of what would
later become the Merchant Kingdom of Sembia. Hostilities with the elves
of Cormanthyr led to defeat at the Battle of Singing Arrows (844 DR) and
led Chondath to renounce the governance of its far-flung colonies in the
aftermath of the Rotting War. This in turn led to the founding of Sembia, the Land of the Silver Raven, in 913 DR.
Traders from Sembia and, to a lesser extent, Cormyr and the Dalelands
continued west and northwest in smaller numbers in the centuries that
followed, spreading Chondathan culture and language from Tethyr to the
Savage Frontier. The rise of Silverymoon as a center of magical study in
659 DR precipitated the migration of a small, but influential, number of
Chondathans to Silverymoon and established Chondathan culture and
langauge in a land that had only been reached by a handful of Chondathan
merchants until that time.
Today, Chondathan culture and language dominates much of central and
western Caerun. Thorass, the alphabet that arose from interactions
between Jhaamdath and the Old Kingdom of Calimshan, is commonly employed
as the alphabet of most human tongues. Moreover, Common, the trade
language of Faerun, is simply a modern version of Thorass (“Old
Common"), which in turn was largely based on Jhaamdathan {“Old
Chondathan") and Alzhedo, the language of Calishan. While the Calisarses,
the Imaskari, the Mulan, and the Metherse may have each forged the
greatest human empires of Faerun in their day, it is the Chondathans
whose culture now predominates, and empire spread by commerce and coin,
not by sword or staff.
Chondathans measure others by how much wealth and influence a person
or family has acquired. To a Chondathan, all things are for sale,
assuming one can agree upon a price. Intrigue and covert manipulation
are simply means to an end, but unnecessary bloodshed is destructive and
wasteful. Chondathans have found that power inevitably swings to whoever
controls the purse strings, not whoever carries the biggest sword, and
set their aspirations accordingly. Fierce competition in all walks of
life is the guiding rule of Chondathan society, and those raised within
its confines are used to seeing fortunes won or lost, with commensurate
gains or losses in stature. Chondathans expect each individual to look
out for himself or herself, and they are often surprised when others act
Chondathans are drawn to adventuring for one of two reasons: Some
take up arms and spells to defend that which they hold most dear, a
tradition hearkening back to the early Chondathan settlers. Others are
drawn to a life on the road by the same impulses that send Chondathan
merchants into unfamiliar lands in search of trading opportunities, a
hunger to search for wealth in the unknown. Most Chondathans who adopt
adventuring as a career are drawn to the potential of acquiring great
wealth by looting some long-forgotten tomb or recovering some fabulous
treasure from an ancient ruin.
Chondathan Characters
Chondathans typically make good fighters drawing on their culture's
long-standing mercenary tradition. Likewise, many Chondathans find their
calling as rogues, a product of their culture's emphasis on the
acquisition of wealth and the wide ranges of skills. The most common
multiclass combination among Chondathans is fighter/rogue. Chondathans
are rarely barbarians, sorcerers, or wizards, as no sizable group of
Chondathans has reverted into barbarism; ancient Jhaamdath had
relatively few relations with dragons, social or otherwise; and wizardry
had long been associated with the unleashing of plagues in Chondathan
folklore. Those Chondathan sorcerers who do exist usually hail from
lands north and west of the Inner Sea and have one or more High
Netherese ancestors in their heritage.
Prestige Classes: Chondathans
often take up the study of the divinely inspired prestige classes, such
as arcane devotee, divine champion, divine disciple, divine seeker, and
heriophant. Chondathans worship evil deities as well as good, so
blackguards are not unusual among evil-aligned members of this ethnic
group. Many Harpers are of Chondathan heritage, so the Harper scout
prestige class is also common. Similarly, the folk of Cormyr are largely
Chondathan descent, so many Purple Dragon knights are Chondathans.
Chondathan Society
Chondathan culture varies widely across Faerun. Compared to other
cultures, particularly Calisarse and Mulan, Chondathan societies have
relatively weak class divisions. Hard work and good fortune have been
enough to catapult more than one member of the lower classes into the
merchant nobility. Commerce plays an important role in all Chondathan-dominated
cultures, giving rise to the maxim that everything is for sale at some
price. Chondathans honor their word, although not for moral reasons.
One's reputation is like a purse with a fixed number of coins that, once
squandered, is costly to repurchase.
As Chondathans place a high value on book learning, many receive some
amount of schooling while growing up. Chondathan youths are apprenticed
to a master by the age of 12 and are expected to learn a trade during
their apprenticeship. Chondathans have little patience for able-bodied
indigents, and all adults are expected to earn their own keep in
whatever field they were trained. Wealthy persons are afforded great
respect in Chondathan societies, and those who squander money foolishly
are looked down upon. Chondathans are expected to work until no longer
physically capable or until death. Even those too infirm to earn a
living often pass their days at their former place of work, offering
advice to those who have replaced them.
Outside Chondathan-dominated lands, Chondathans strive to integrate
into the local culture, even if that means learning a new tongue or
converting to the worship of the local gods. Of course, such integration
strategies do not interfere with sharing Chondathan necessities and
customs with the local populace, a practice that over time slowly
subsumes the local culture. Chondathan minorities usually organize
themselves into merchant houses or trading costers for protection and to
maximize their opportunities for profit.
Language and Literacy
Chondathans speak Common and Chondathan, two closely related tongues.
Chondathan, one of the root tongues of Common, is the modern form of
Jhaamdathan (“Old Chondathan"), which was one of the two root tongues of
Thorass (“Old Common").
Chondathan employs the Thorass alphabet, a set of characters used to
represent the trade tongue that came into use thousands of years ago
along the shores of the Lake of Steam.
As many Chondathans dwell amid other human cultures (or at least have
extensive trade contacts with such societies), many individuals learn
the local tongue or the language of their nearest neighbor. Commonly
learned second languages include Illuskan if the individual in question
lives in the Western Heartlands or the North, Damaran if she lives south
of the Vilhon Reach, Turami if she lives along the shores of the Lake of
Steam. Spellcasters, particularly those who dwell in Cormyr or the
Dalelands, usually learn Netherse and Elven in order to acquire magic
from old sources. Few Chondathans outside those area learn Elven, a
legacy of generations of conflict and a likely contributor to future
All Chondathan characters are literate except for barbarians.
Chondathan Magic and Lore
Chondathans do not have a strong arcane spellcasting tradition, no do
Chondathan bloodlines include the ancestry that gives rise to a great
number of sorcerers. However, many Chondathans are drawn to the divine
and become clerics or druids. In their great diaspora of a thousand
years past, the Chondathans carried the worship of many of their gods to
all corners of Faerun; it's sometimes said that Chondathans conquered a
continent with their gold and their gods.
Spells and Spellcasting
Chondathans who study wizardry remain generalists, become
transmutters for the wide spell selection, or learn the abjurer's art
for the protection such spells afford.
Spellcasting Tradition: Chondathans have strong divine spell casting
traditions, especially among those devoted to deities attuned to nature,
including druids and rangers. Any spell that helps travel across the
far-flung Chondathan lands is appreciated, whether it's a lowly rope
trick for a safe evening's rest or a powerful wind walk spell. Also
favored are divine spells that assist in commerce, such as zone of
truth, sending, tongues, and smark of justice (to enforce contracts).
Among Chondathan clerics charged with spreading the faith, the
Chondathan Missionary feat is common.
Unique Spells: The widespread nature of Chondathan culture, combined
with the lack of an arcane spellcasting tradition among Chondathans
(except where introduced by Netherese refugees), has ensured that few
spells are uniquely associated with Chondathan culture. The plague
magics of ancient Jhaamdath, such as mass contagion and plague carrier,
are much feared for their fell effects but are fortunately recorded only
in long-hidden tomes.
Chondathan Magic Items
Chondathans favor magic items that provide personal protection or
comfort, facilitate travel, guard against theft, and enable the
surreptitious gathering of information. Swords and daggers are commonly
crafted with defending, keen, and speed special abilities. Armor is
typically crafted with arrow deflection, fortification, and spell
resistance special abilities, reflecting Chondathan culture's
long-standing fear of elves and rogues.
Common Magic Items: Hand of the mage, hat of disguise, Heward's handy
haversack, gloves of arrow snaring, Murlynd's spoon, and periapt of
proof against poison. Due to the prevalence of these items in Chondathan
lands, they may be purchased at a 10% discount from the normal price in
any large city in Cormyr, Sembia, the Dragon Coast, or the Vilhon Reach.
Iconic Magic Items: Again, thank to the influence of Chondathan merchants, there are few magic items unique to Chondathan
culture that have not been widely disseminated across Faerun. One
exception to this rule is the italic">catseye brooch, a good luck charm
worn by many well-to-do Chondathans, who view cats as good luck and
defenders against the threat of disease.
Chondathan Deities
Chondathans honor the deities of the Faerunian pantheon. Such is the
magnitude of the Chondathan diaspora that no deity is particularly
favored by the majority of Chondathans across Faerun. In fact,
Chondathans have traditionally adopted the deities of other cultures,
incorporating them into their sprawling pantheon. Gods and goddesses
venerated in regions inhabited primarily by Chondathans include Azuth,
Chanteua, Deneir, Eldath, Helm, Kelemvor, Lathander, Lliira, Loviatar,
Malar, Mask, Mielikki, Milil, Mystra, Nobanion, Oghma, Selune, Silvanus,
Sune, Talos, Tempus, Tymora, Tyr, Umberlee, and Waukeen.
Ancient Jhaamdath was one of the first human cultures to develop the
written word, and, as such, literate Chondathans have long honored
Deneir, the Lord of All Glyphs and Images. The church of Deneir has
spread to other cultures as Chondathan traders spread the trade tongues
of Common or its antecedent, Thorass, bringing with them the Thorass
alphabet. At present, the church of Deneir has its greatest influence
among those literate Chondathans who dwell in Cormyr and Sembia.
Similarly, ancient Jhaamdath's wars were fought with horrible magical
plagues, so Talona has been part of Chondathan culture since the rise of
that culture. The church of Talona is widely feared and reviled among
moder-day Chondathans, despite the activities of other faiths that have
wreaked far greater devastation across Faerun in recent years.
Nevertheless, a small number of Chondathans turn to the Mother of All
Plagues precisely because of the fear and misery she has engendered and
in hopes of acquiring the ancient plague-spawning magic her cult is said
to control.
Relations with Other Races
Chondathan history is replete with clashes with carious elven realms,
and, as a result, few Chondathans (with the exception of some Cormyreans
and most Dalesmen) have good relations with the Fair Folk or their half-elven
brethren. Likewise, Chondathans have traditionally regarded the
planetouched with a great deal of suspicion, as Chondathan culture has
never had a great deal of interaction with outsiders and most planetouched they have encountered were
representatives of rival cultures (such as air and fire genasi of
Calimshan, or the aasimar and tieflings of Mulhorand and Unther). Half-orcs
are considered little better than their full-blooded brethren by most
Chondathans. They are seen as little more than raiding party scum intent
only on disrupting the flow of trade and pillaging the farms of
hardworking settlers.
Chondathans have good relations with dwarves, gnomes, and halflings,
for all have proved to be good trading partners and have traditionally d
welled in small enclaves within Chondathan societies. Among human
cultures, Chondathans get along best with Calisarses, Damarnas, Shaarans,
Tethyrians, and Turami. Relations with the Mulan have never been warm,
Illuskans are regarded as little better than orcs, and other cultures
are largely unknown.
Chondathan Equipment
Through centuries of commerce, Chondathan merchants have spread their
culture's trade goods across Faerun, making their favored weapons, forms
armor, and other equipment the norm throughout the region, not the
exceptions. Similarly, Chondathans have adopted the most useful items of
other cultures as their own, making them commonplace across Faerun. As
such, the equipment lists found in the Player's Handbook can be seen as
reflecting the Chondathan norm.
Arms and Armor
Chondathans do have distinct equipment preferences. Favored weapons
include crossbows (except in the Dalelands where longbows are the norm)
and all manner of blades, including the longsword, the short sword, and
the dagger. Commonly employed forms of armor include leather armor,
studded leather armor, chain shirts, chainmail, breastplates, half-
plate, and shields of all kinds. Heavier forms of armor are more
commonly employed in the cooler climes to the north of the Sea of Fallen
Common Items: Chainmail, chain shirts, longswords, and crossbow can
all be purchased among the Chondathans for 10% less.
Unique Items: Somewhat broader in the blade than usual for a
longsword, Chondathan steelswords are favored by mercenaries and
merchant guards.
Animals and Pets
Chondathans favor small felines as pets and hunting companions,
particularly in the Forest Kingdom of Cormyr. Tressyms are highly
favored by those who can afford them, as are lynxes. Dogs are owned to a
lesser extent and consist primarily of guard, herding, and hunting
breeds. Horses play an important role in Chondathan society, but those
who can afford them also employ hippogriffs, particularly along the
shores of the Vilhon Reach and in the service of the War Wizards of
Associated Creature: In Hlondeth, serpents are the norm, with flying
snakes imported from the Mhair Jungles achieving widespread popularity
in recent years. |