restige ClassesThe following classes will require an application. We've
changed the prerequisites for a number of prestige classes to allow
players to take them upon reaching 6th level. The changed prereqs are
listed below, along with minimum RP requirements to be considered for a PrC. There are also some mechanical changes to some prestige classes. We assume you possess/will possess the NWN2 requirements when you contact the DM team to apply for the desired PrC. Arcane Archers: Arcane
Archers lead elven war bands. Earn in-game by demonstrating respect and
interest towards local elven interests, and supporting at least one
elven-focused event. Meeting and being trained by an Arcane Archer is
another alternative. When you apply, detail which method you have used
to reach the point where you feel you are ready to apply for the
Prereq changes: BAB prerequisite down from 6 to 5. Arcane Scholar (of
Candlekeep): Seek to raise the study of magic to the level of an
academic discipline. Endevor to understand the fundamental processes of
magic and the inner workings of the Weave, which is the fabric that
underlies all magic. This can apply to spellcasters of any alignment.
Mechanical changes: BAB progression is lowered to 2/5 from 1/2. Arcane Trickster: Training, gain a level of status as a Mage in a thieving organization, or Rogue in a mage organization.
Prereq changes: Spellcasting requirement down from arcane
3 to arcane 2. Skill ranks in Lore is replaced by the same number of
ranks in Knowledge (Arcana). Assassin: Assassins
are required to have killed another sentient being before being able to
take this PrC. When you apply, make a list of bounties you have
collected. Do not apply unless you have collected on at the very least
one bounty.
Blackguard: Since
these are the epitomes of evil you are required to have demonstrated a
commitment to spreading evil. You must also have made peaceful contact
with an evil outsider who can train or give you the powers of a
blackguard. Leading an evil organization also helps.
Prereq changes: BAB prerequisite down from 6 to 5. Divine Champion: You must demonstrate your commitment to your deity and be known as a powerful warrior in that deities service.
Prereq changes: BAB prerequisite down from 7 to 5. Doomguide: Demonstrated
pro-active adventuring on behalf of deity's goals/ethos and support of
Kelemvor's church and agenda in-game as a PC; knowledge of Kelemvor's
dogma as a player.
Duelist: Apply
for this PrC as early as you can. It has no special requirements via
roleplaying, although studying martial skills under the tutalege of a
current PC or NPC Duelist should be mentioned on your application.
Prereq changes: Changed BAB prerequisite down from 6 to 5.
Mechanical changes: Elaborate Parry is granted at level 1
instead of 7. Deflect Arrows is granted at level 7 instead of 9. Dwarven Defender:
As champions of the dwarven race, dwarven defenders are sworn to
protect the dwarven way of life. Very rarely, a defender is sworn to
fulfill a quest of great importance to the dwarven clans. Even rarer,
is a dwarven defender sworn to uphold some other goals. When you apply,
be sure to include a description of your goal and what you protect as a
champion of the dwarven lifestyle.
Prereq changes: BAB prerequisite down from 7 to 5. Eldritch Knight: Demonstrate
in game an understanding of fighting techniques blended with the use of
magic both in preparation and in actual battle that goes beyond the
general buffing up in preparation of a coming fight.
Frenzied Berserker: Barbarian (pure). Fearless/Non-coward, Chaotic. Training: earn in game as Weapon Master.
Prereq changes: BAB prerequisite down from 6 to 5. Guild Thief (Shadow Thief of Amn): High ranking in a criminal organization, or otherwise elite criminal status.
Prereq changes: Removed prerequisite "Shadow Thief of Amn" feat. Harper Agent: Earn in-game as a Harper.
Prereq changes: Skill ranks in Lore is replaced by the same number of ranks in Knowledge (Phlan). Hellfire Warlock: Earn
in-game by cooperating with a DM in developing your Pact. Each level of
your Warlock will have to be supported by an RP session representing a
meeting with your pact-holder. As this is a very RP intense class,
please consider your commitment and that of a DM to support you.
Prereq changes: Skill ranks in Lore is replaced by the same number of ranks in Knowledge (Planes). Invisible Blade: Master
the use of daggers and related weapons in combat. Train under an NPC or
PC Invisible Blade, much like the Weapon Master PrC.
Pale Master: To
become a pale master, you must research a ritual and spend three days
locked in a tomb with animated undead. The contact may be peaceful or
violent, but is mandatory to master the skills of a Pale Master. Send
an application, if approved you will have to roleplay finding the
ritual and fulfilling its obligations.
Mechanical changes: Changed to a 9/10 spellcasting class, with
the non-spellcasting level on first. BAB progression is lowered to 2/5
from 1/2. Red Dragon Disciple: Have draconic background, research dragonlore, undertake methods to locate said lore, and perform rituals.
Prereq changes: Class prerequisite removed. Skill ranks in
Lore is replaced by the same number of ranks in Knowledge
(Arcana). Red Wizard of Thay: Become
a prominent Red Wizard of Thay (an application for which is also
required), either alone or as part of an organisation.
Mechanical changes: BAB progression is lowered to 2/5 from 1/2. Sacred Fist: Earn in-game by demonstrating your support of a specific temple's goals with your abilities.
Prereq changes: BAB prerequisite down from 4 to 3,
spellcasting prerequisite down from 2 to 1. Skill ranks in Lore is
replaced by the same number of ranks in Knowledge (Religion). Shadowdancer: Shadow
Dancers are rumored to have connections to Shar, but wandering troupes
of Shadow Dancers are as likely to be good as evil. To become a
Shadowdancer you should find and be trained by a PC or NPC
Shadowdancer. They do exist in game, enjoying hanging out in shadows or
liking dark places is NOT enough to qualify for this PrC.
Prereq changes: Hide skill ranks prerequisite down from 10 to 8. Stalwart Retainer
(Neverwinter Nine): Acknowledging the level 2 feat power, and the
general elite status of the class, they require being a bodyguard (or
guard-captain, etc), to a major PC figure, preferably a council member,
in our setting.
Stormlord: Display
and promote the desctuctive nature of lightning and thunder. Normally
reserved for ranking members of the Clergy of Talos, but could apply to
Druids also.
Warpriest: Earn in game as a high ranking Priest of War for an official Clergy.
Prereq changes: New prerequisites are BAB 3, Divine casting 3, diplomacy 8 and spot 5.
Mechanical changes: Added spellcasting on level 3 and and
7, turning it from a 5/10 spellcasting class that got spellcasting only
on even levels to a 7/10 spellcasting class. Weapon Master: Apply
for this PrC as early as you can. It has no special requirements via
roleplaying, although studying martial skills under the tutalege of a
current PC or NPC weapon master should be mentioned on your application.
Link to application guidelines... |